

Pointers in Rpg Maker 2k(3)

In the context of menus, I use pointers to populate a spell menu in Necropolis's custom battle system. Since spells can be learned in a few different orders and taking up multiple pages, I needed a way to present them cleanly, without gaps. Unfortunately you still have to manually set the pictures, but pointers let me store spell IDs/costs/etc more easily overall. The spells are split into pages so that the interface matches another menu, but it can easily be switched to scrolling (think: item menu, for example) since doing menus that way is fairly flexible so long as the variables know where to look. That's just an example of how they can be used.

I find pointers very confusing to use and easily lose track of what I'm doing and getting my brain wires crossed (I have a poor short-term, working memory). The best way I've found to mitigate this is to duplicate all the variable events in Excel, so I can rapidly visualize and track what I'm doing before eventing it in RM2K3. That way I can punch a number into a field and see how everything will output if my cell pointers are set correctly. An alternative is to create a debug display in RM2K3 itself, but that takes more time.

"Hello there!" The Dialect of a Town NPC

As long as there isn't another "go to this place and kill this thing for no given reason what-so-ever" or "I AM ERROR"..

Yeah, but at least you remember who Error is when you're later instructed to ask him about the tomb in the graveyard.

"Hello there!" The Dialect of a Town NPC

This is a very good article. I hate writing for NPCs with a passion and you've given me things to think about.

Pointers in Rpg Maker 2k(3)

I thought this was going to be like basic tips and pointers on using RPG Maker, but then noticed who the author was and decided to take a gander. This is a very good tutorial and a good way to introduce the mechanism you call "pointers" (which may be an actual definition, as I am no programmer).

Understanding how pointers work is crucial for anybody wanting to implement more complex systems like dynamic/scrolling custom menus and custom battle systems.

Falling Leaves

Thanks. I drew those leaf animation in MS Paint in like two minutes. You can create similar effects using character events. Like burning embers that bounce off the ground and then smoke. Make it windy by sending the leaves at a hard angle, and mixing in sprite events that loop a 360. Really, whatever you can come up with. All that matters is how you spawn their starting point relative to the hero, their move pattern, and any conditions that change the animation.

How to create a chest WITHOUT using a switch

Maybe i am missing something, but won't the chest return to its original facing state when you reload the map?

The Do's and Don'ts of Mapping Part 1

I just wanted to add that before you beautify, you should always define the path the player will walk through first. By having a concrete layout first, it's easy to build off of without creating clutter.

As a rule of thumb I like the path (note that path doesn't mean road tile, but un-obscured walkable area without random crap obstructing it) to be 2-4 tiles wide depending on the type of environment it's in (and it shouldn't be considered a hard and fast rule). This means I disagree with your Magical Vacation screenshot, as I don't recommend obscuring the main path behind tree foliage like that (tertiary paths that lead to hidden objects like treasure, yes).

Mapping Tricks: Falling Leaves

I have another way of doing this using sprite events that I can share later when I have a computer. If I remember. The only problem is you'd need to copy/paste the events into each map you want the effect, rather than being able to call a common event. The advantage is it will work with any map size (regardless of how quickly you bounce the camera from one corner to another), the leaves animate, and you can have them descend in various patterns of varying densities in predictable or unpredictable ways based on some variable inputs. You can probably even have the leaves interact with water tiles using a terrain ID check, which I just thought of looking at your bottom screenshot.

Local Switches in rm2k3

This is really clever! Of course, I'm not running out of switches any time soon so I will not be using it.
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