whoa You guys are hi-chaining without me? That's just not right. :<

Can be found in irc at #rpgmaker.net on irc.dynastynet.net



What are you thinking about right now?

author=Yellow Magic
^ yeah, definitely beats comments without indentation!

The TextFX plugin for Notepad++ has a command to indent C style languages.


The way I stay within bounds is to make a selection or just draw a box and draw over it.

But the program I use tells me the size of boxes/lines and such.

A interesting idea for a new Rpg maker.

You could do that with just about any 3D engine that allows billboard sprites.

Namely, Unity.


Well if you resaved it as .png then yeah not going to do anything. You need to save it as a lossless format to start with.

Miscellaneous tools...

Programs such as http://www.vmware.com/products/thinapp/overview.html can pack files into a single 'exe'. There are free versions around the web too. Though maybe not what you want.


For Paint.Net you could get Mono, I think it would work then? And Graphics Gale may work in Wine.


You could give Graphics gale a try. Paint.net is also kinda dandy for pixeling but this is coming from someone that uses an ms paint clone.


Your line art is good, just maybe shade?

Beef up my Java/C/C++ knowledge and experience

It would be much more useful to learn SDL/ OGL if you have some use of them, as in are using an engine that lets you use them along side whatever else is set up.
Or if you want to make your own engine.

And here are some sites that may interest you;

You really can't get a better site for programming related questions.

Related to the first only game oriented.

And of course; http://www.gamedev.net/

Beef up my Java/C/C++ knowledge and experience

Yeah :: is is the name space operator or static member.
Sound works just like the sprite example above.

As for keys, it's just;

It's just a multimedia library though, so if you want animations and boards you have to make your own classes for that. :p

SFML isn't just for C++ though, It's also for C, D, .net, Python and Ruby.