

Grandma's House Review

I fixed it a few times. I thought I had fixed it dangit >_<

It's fixed. Do you have play testers? You reallyyyy need those, and if you do they don't sound like they're testing every aspect.

Grandma's House Review

I fixed the lag and the meter. What version of the game were you playing?
And yes it is very cliche, but it is my first actual game, so it was more to see what we could do.
Hopefully you will enjoy my next game better!

Even after the update/fixed version I re-downloaded it, the meter was still broken. I'll download it again to see if it's still broken, 'though.

Suzy and freedom Review

If that's how you view the characters in the game, then I guess I was pretty spot on in portraying their personalities. That's exactly how I see them. And considering the news above, that's about how they really are.

The rape dialog choice was added when I was almost finishing the game. On later research I found that she had told Daniel that her father raped her. Daniel said it in court, but she denied ever saying that. It's very likely untrue (that he raped her). It's also very likely that she said it just to convince him, and that it was one of the primary reasons why he agreed to murder her parents.

I tried not to maker her a monster... just a twisted person with legitimate motivations. :D

I could not get myself to go with the rape choice anyhow. The beating one(Which had truth in it, as I found out after), worked. It's very odd that she didn't have any signs before this of being a sociopath, but yet of Borderline. The killing seemed to have changed that from the news reportings, and what her brother has said though.

The traits are split up like this, as I see it;
Obsessive love, but not controlling.(Borderline rather than Sociopathy. If she was a true sociopath all the way to heart, that would had been Hell in a hand basket of a relationship. I've never met or heard of a Sociopath to treat their partner kindly.)
Wreckless behavior, both.
Lack of Empathy, both, leaning towards sociopath.
Highly, highly manipulative. Sociopath
Lack of remorse for actions(Although, honestly, if I felt someonereally deserved it, I wouldn't feel remorse either.) Sociopath.
Impulsive behavior. Both--more towards Borderline, because Sociopaths are a little more smarter.
Drug use. Both.

In the end, with the reports I read, she really did love Daniel. She was OBSESSED with Daniel. Instantly she wanted her parents to get a flat with him, and they rejected it. But who knows, Sociopathy is really tricky unlike Psychopathy that's very straight forward.

Uh... I would never call her motivations "legitimate".
Or at least, I think they would be legitimate only in the eyes of somebody inhumanly self-centered. Which, I guess, is how you could describe most adolescents, though luckily not at Suzie's level.

Agreed. She could had simply moved out or manipulated her parents, she obviously had the skills to. She had the money to move out, but for whatever reason it wasn't enough for her I suppose.
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