The walls between worlds begin to weaken, and one man seeks to bring them crashing down for good...



COV New Screen 9.PNG

I like the juxtaposition of soldier and snow here.

COV New Screen 13.PNG

There are some pretty big cliff errors here that could be easily fixed with a few chipset edits. Also, the clouds are too zoomed in (and therefore too pixelly). Otherwise, it looks great! Hello Rudra graphics how are you

How often do you run from battles?

Yes. This is so cathartic.

Then you die on the overworld because you didn't use a tent!

Whoops. Remember: don't put really hard enemies right after bosses. Your players won't forgive you.

Anyone here from the Atlanta area?

Well, it's 'down South', in USA terms. People from the southern US place a large emphasis on manners and politeness and such. They're not going to MURDER YOU if you're impolite, but it's definitely more polite than it is up North. Also, Atlanta has a lot of black people, and I say this because Canadians have this weird thing where some of them have never seen a black person until their teens and that is just so crazy to me. Anyway, I remember I knew some guy who went there and he was like "SO MANY BLACK PEOPLE" and it freaked him out. I found it absolutely hilarious.

Yes, those are people from small towns. You have them in the US, as well. I like how Americans think Canadians are magically different than they are because... of... ???

There are black people everywhere in Toronto! Although Canadian black people do tend to be different than American black people. I think, like most groups in Canada, they are less insular than they are elsewhere in the world.

How long have you been working on your game?

I can't remember =(

Almost two years ago, now, I guess. I'm so old. Where did my life go? I don't even have anything to show for those two years!


why are you stretching it. there is a tiled option for a reason (2nd time i have said this)
oh shit i never took that into account

with that said and that new knowledge, check it out

Change the border. The background is good, but the border is too thick and looks stupid! Try using a thinner border, closer to the size of the old one, but with the correct colours.


I'd rather it stay at the top corner, actually.

Yeah, except the problem is that NOBODY LOOKS THERE. It's good for avoiding clutter, but nobody will ever check in combat when they are taking damage. Then they'll be dead. That's not good.

@Dranart: We see those cliffs misused a lot 'round these parts, but damn do Rudra cliffs look good when they're actually used properly.


I like the new hud, but I don't see why it couldn't be moved down to the middle. It worked for both Secret of Mana games for the SNES!

College Majors, Laziness, and Irritation - I swear this topic is in the valid section!

Uh, you realise there are tens of millions of people who work very high-paying jobs with liberal arts degrees right? There are hundreds of millions of people who have decent wages with regular ol' useless degrees. Trades are good if you can actually GET INTO the actual trade (which is far from guaranteed) and are very well paying jobs if you are able to promote yourself, but many tradesmen are self-employed, which not everyone wants to be.

There are a HUGE number of people who get jobs with liberal arts degrees. If you are really into something and it gets you a degree, go for it. School is hard enough without hating your degree.