

Time traveler (Remake)

I can translate to english if you want?
Mi lengua materna es castellano :D
Tiene muy buena pinta este juego
> Una vez termine de hacer todo el juego, podríamos hablar para ver que se puede hacer :D Estaría muy feliz si alguien lo tradujera al inglés también. Mi inglés es muy bueno, pero no suficiente D: Podría enviarte un pequeño 'demo' para que veas que es más o menos de lo que se trata. Gracias!
Seria muy guay ver una demo! Mi mail es kainaris_alzabaar@hotmail.com

Time traveler (Remake)

I can translate to english if you want?
Mi lengua materna es castellano :D
Tiene muy buena pinta este juego

[RMXP] How to play charset animation while event is not moving? (SOLVED)

Ok thanks everyone! It works! It was so easy... I feel dumb XD

EDIT: Wait, I have another question. The animation now works, but it's slower when the character is not moving. Is it possible to change the speed of the animation while not moving?


I achieved end number 8 at the first try!
It is the best ending, right? I feel very proud!

I still have to play more to get the other endings. Good game!

[RMXP] How to play charset animation while event is not moving? (SOLVED)

I made a charset for my character while it's running, and another one for while it's not moving. How do I make the character animate when the event is not moving?

For an example: When the character is staying still, it should have an animation but I don't know how to do it:

The charsets Running and Standing:

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