

Born Under the Rain

I just played this game and loved it! I'm a little disappointed that
at the end I wasn't able to go back to the village.
It makes sense in context but I was missing a few relics and thought that after
defeating Anuket I might be able to go back and saunter around and find those.

I'm not super happy that in order to find them I have to be pre-ending.

I also was hoping Anuket could get added to the monster lady's book because she said she wanted some gods and goddesses for it :c

Since Masud isn't getting his body back anyway why can't he and Odion hang out in the village with Rashida and Masika? Dx

Amort Review

Piano nailed it. The fate of the town was ironic, as they worshiped their very demise. Pretty much the prophecy gave way to predict the end.

Those questions you are asking are meant to be asked. It's a sort of open ended thing. However, I tend to write things that are real in the worlds I make, so I prefer not to see it all as her madness but stuff that really happened.
I totally agree with this review! However, I just finished the game and I have to admit I'm still deadly confused about what happened at the end and how you were able to call the ending. What happened to the folks in the town, and are they different than she remembered? Halp
The town is cursed and are under the thrall of some kind of Eldritch horror. It's basically a cult. Now, remember the prophesy: their true leader would emerge amongst a sea of burning skulls. Now, the presence of a true leader implies the presence of at least one false leader. I immediately took this to mean that the main character, Lycia is the one that the prophesy is talking about.

1. When Lycia sets the church on fire, she burns the whole family, including their skulls.

2. When she faces the "leader" she collects the skulls and kills him with them.

In both of these cases, she is emerging from burning skulls.

3. As the final confirmation, when she confronts the mayor, he dies and turns to dust.

Lycia has fulfilled the prophesy described in the church scene.

Thank you both for responding!! I still have a question about whether or not these people were this way before though, when she had the nice memories of living in the town-- was it actually just an undeveloped sense of perception? And this question might not need an answer, but I wonder how the eldritch horror that possessed all those people feels about Lycia. What an interesting lady. I wonder what she'll do with her new power! I really enjoyed the game, thanks for making it!

Amort Review

I totally agree with this review! However, I just finished the game and I have to admit I'm still deadly confused about what happened at the end and how you were able to call the ending. What happened to the folks in the town, and are they different than she remembered? Halp

From Next Door Review

Oh, that's interesting! I am gonna play this again and see what I can do! Thank you!

Soma Spirits

Hi, just stopping by to say I really really really loved this game! While I did, like others it seems, find the combat unenjoyable, everything else was amazing! The music! The setting! The plot! The characters! The message! And most importantly, the fact that I really honestly felt that my decisions actually mattered, and also that it was NEVER clear what I was supposed to do. I, as the player, really had to consider what I thought was best, and I really enjoyed that. Great job!!


(edited because I figured out the thing)

This is an incredibly beautiful game! I'm really enjoying it.


You and I.

I love your games!! I recently had my heart shattered by April Was a Fool and then I found this little gem. I loved this! Had a bad day and was looking for a pick me up, and this so delivered! I was crying for most of the time I was playing this game, going "noooo Victor is the demon lord, but Fermat is falling in love with him, noooooo" and it felt so good. I was really wrapped up in the story and always on the edge of my seat. Fermat, who I played as, was an absolutely lovely character. I adored them both and seeing them happy in the end was just so rewarding! Thank you for making this!

My only criticism is that I want to replay the game as Victor but I also really don't want to do those five seals ever again. A wee bit tedious. But the busts of the monsters were really cool to look at so there's that.


This game is so incredible I am SHOCKED that it does not have more attention. I haven't finished it yet but the game continues to surprise me over and over again. The characters are so complex and incredible, and I feel like the game has SO much replay value, for making choices I didn't make this time around in partners, strategies, and who lives and dies... The many mechanics are so fun and incredible, I was always interested, always having fun. And the dialogue! There's so much! So much to learn about so many wonderful characters. Karen is probably one of my favorite characters of all time from anything. She is just so lovely. Thank you so much for making this game! I love it so much! Please keep doing what you're doing, I am SO excited to see what you come up with next!!

April was a Fool

I didn't expect to be this sad tonight.

In all seriousness, this is a lovely game and I'm currently working through all the endings. Thank you for making it!
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