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Trick & Treat
Trick or Treat in a vampire's house
One Night at the Steeze
A night of fun complete with pizza, games, and stage props out to kill you!
this game has been discontinued
Eulogy Of The Void Godde...
The word police has arrived.
The Huntress of the Holl...
Little... Pink Riding Hood?
What's wrong dear, had a bad dream?
An alternate take on the classic fairytale of Rapunzel. Puzzle game with horror elements.
World's Dawn
"The best of Harvest Moon coupled with better writing" (
Qui Domi
Fight monsters under the bed to save a dying world.
A short rpg horror made for the 2014 Indie Game Contest. Solve puzzles and a mystery!
Mica: Apoptosis
A horror game about delusions, blissful ignorance, and the depraved acts that humans do in the name of love.
Aria's Story
A story about a girl who loves books.