

Bugs and Glitches

Oh and I just found out that the hero in the old version is a little bit stronger.
Old version :

New version :

Bugs and Glitches

Hmm it seem like I am really dumb.... I just played the game from the start and can't even win against the monsters in the forest ._. wow...They do about 100 damage with their attacks but there are 3 of them so I think it's because I am dumb or I do something wrong O.O

Bugs and Glitches

I will report you it if I see it happen ok? Oh and another bug report at the beginning of the game where the fire breaks out and you sometimes try to heal you with the heal thing that is in the room it sometimes happens that the game freezes. And if your still pushing the walking button when going to a new map then the game gets big laggs and can cause sometimes to make the game stop working.

Bugs and Glitches

Oh and also sometimes after a battle the game restarts.

Bugs and Glitches

There is a small bug I discovered.
When you use an old save state from the versions before.
The monsters will almost instantly kill you and you do about 10 damage to them and they do about 200.
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