

Timelord Medieval: The Crimson Blade

Help OwO
I think i'm stuck :o
I was in this cave after defeating these goblins and getting these 2 men called Lendoran and Fenir. I didn't get what to do in that cave so i went outside and am now in ''Hell''

Trick & Treat

Oh I just restarted the game and now it works :o

Trick & Treat

Uhmm I have a question
Standing at the entrance-looking place on the right (it says the door is locked, don't move, just standing there). Use the dirty key from the item menu to unlock the door. There you go!

It's basically the same as using other keys~

The problem is :
I can't use the key

Trick & Treat

Uhmm I have a question
I am right now in the dungeon have a dirty key, the dolls feed/shoes, the locked, the flashlight, a withe rose and a healing potion now what do I have to do I am stuck there and can't get out (I can't choose the dirty key)

Kitten Mita

where can I download the demo? :o

I had it on my bookmarks (although it may be taken down, so wait for the developer to respond.

Okay :o

Kitten Mita

where can I download the demo? :o

A Quest For Heroes RPG

Es geht nun musste es mit internet explorer downloaden xD

A Quest For Heroes RPG

Ich kriege immer dieses bild :

wie kann man das abschalten xD? Und wenn ich es trotzdessen downloade dann kommt das:

A Quest For Heroes RPG

Ich habs gegoogelt und versucht aber es geht immer noch nicht QwQ

Harvest Moon - Land Of Hope

I want it. I love it. I NEED IT <3333