I enjoy playing and creating games (mostly RPGs) and have a love of story and characterisation above graphics. I've been into RM* since '96 and have used all makers - started on the PSX makers, found and used a patched version of the SNES RM, then moved to RM95. When I found RM2K I finally decided to join some forums and I've been a part of the community ever since.

Absolute Justice

Site last broken: 7th January, 2017
Before that: 24th May 2016
Wolf and Kid
Save your best friend, a wolf.



Jo's Alicia Sketch

I hid the posts that dealt with the ...questionable post... and there was a warning given. I don't think it needs saying but sexual stuff like that, even in jest, is just... TMI.

(I wouldn't have hidden Sooz's post if the writing wasn't in BIG BRIGHT RED FONT. :/ )

Haven Skill Example

Thought about making a custom window skin that better suits the game? Because the cursor and edges are default.

Liberty Plays: Bound

Sure thing. I just wish I'd known more about the game before going in because I took it pretty much as it was and not 'oh, this was made under duress'. If I'd known before-hand I would have saved my 'back broken camel' rage for the next instance (maybe), and probably been a bit less rage-infested... maybe?

That said, please, for the love of all that is holy, fix that battle system up. The idea is cool but the balance and lack of direction is... it's just not good. Sorry. >.<;

New Intro

To use the youtube tags you need to use a link like this:

Otherwise it won't work. (Did a quick fix for ya, so I could spotlight on front page. Hope you don't mind.)

Santa Fanart~

Action Sequence / Battle Skill Videos

For future reference, you can embed videos into the page itself by using the youtube tags and a link to the video that looks like this:


Sure, go right ahead. ^.^)b

October 17th 2015 Gameplay Video

Your video link seems to be messed up. Remember, you need to use links like so:

But can she sing?

''Hey Pocket Mirror and Konstandin can go fuuuuck themselves'' I thought that was pretty mean even if you didn't like them, until I read the posts on Cash's review >_< (People seem a lot kinder on tumblr)

Shit is what it is, 'fraid to say. The demos I played weren't great - no where near great. I might revise my opinion when the full games come out but until then I'll stand by my initial judgements of the games in question.

PM was shallow, empty and devoid of anything remotely ascertaining to gameplay or interest. There was nothing to drive you to play and pretty graphics can help a good game be better, but does not make a game a game. Add to that the way the creator tried to farm buzz by deliberately posting the same blog over and again... well, it's a crock in my book. A game made to look pretty and gain attention but not be worthy of it.

Konstandin had promise but it had a lot of issues when it came to the logic of the gameplay and the fallout over it due to the way the creator acted on the site, deliberately subverting the system because s/he couldn't take legitimate and good feedback, left a very sour taste in peoples' mouths, including mine.

So, yeah, fuck 'em.

Pom Gets WiFi is worth 10000 times more attention than either of those games because it was at least a game and the creator worked hard on it, even though she was new. Pom gets a lot of flak because of the rise to popularity over it being played by PDP, but it doesn't deserve it. As a first game it was very well done and deserved some recognition. Pity people were complete asshats and butthurt over it (I'll admit, I poked a bit of fun at the fact that it was always on the front page, but I never hated the game. Just got tired of it after a while - still, it's miles better than these two games.)

Already Aria is miles ahead of the both of them - it presents a good graphical base that is consistent and fresh, but also provides promise of an interesting story and gameplay. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. The fact the title character isn't used as Lolibait is even better.

So, double yeah. Fuck them.

No, not dead. Yet.

You're using the wrong video link for the tags. You need to use one that looks like this: (example link)