The site owner spouts white supremacist garbage and the mods react to my concerns by laughing at me. I'm not going to put up with a toxic community like this anymore.



Conker Is Back In Young Conker For The Microsoft HoloLens - And People Are Pi*sed!!!

Sounds like a typical case of "We hate this game with a burning passion, but we'll buy it anyways".

[RMVX] How do I make a world map item with X abd Y cords

1. Advertising games on the forum is forbidden
2. This kind of question belongs to "Help Me!", not here.

So, they dropped the first Ghostbusters trailer.

Though I'm not into Ghostbusters very much (the title song being the only thing I care about), I feel that this movie should still be supported. If it were to flop, it could mean that Hollywood thinks women as main characters don't sell.

[RMMV] [SOLVED] "Doom" type status effect

The plugin already displays for how many turns a state lasts, this isn't necessary. Also, it makes it easier to implement effects that resist/cure Doom.

[RMMV] [SOLVED] "Doom" type status effect

1. Get Yanfly's Buffs&States Core.

2. Make the status effect to last however many rounds you want it to take for the KO to take effect.

3. Put this in the Doom State notetag:

<Custom Leave Effect>
</Custom Leave Effect>

Assuming State number 1 is your Death state.

This way, once the Doom state expires, the afflicted target will die. It will not occur if the Doom state is removed beforehand.

What are the most simple battle systems that still work well?

Monster Girl Quest is actually a very good example - the battle system is a very basic turn-based one with only 1v1 fights (with groups being considered one enemy still). What makes it deep and interesting is that you need to read exactly what the opponent is doing and which skills work in your current situation. For instance, one of the skills you get is a divebombing attack which you can only use in places where you can climb on something. It helps that the game is fairly linear and every encounter is pre-designed rather than random.

What are you thinking about? (game development edition)

I've got a pretty dumb idea about a way to totally screw up normal RPG combat, and I'm pretty sure it will be an unplayable disaster. The Game Swap Event seems like a perfect opportunity to try it out while avoiding responsibility for my actions.

I'm interested - now the question is if you make someone suffer through your garbage game design and have them keep going with it or if you throw a wrench into someone's perfectly good project by completely ruining it with your idea.

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

Alright, once you get to Iliasport in Monster Girl Quest, the game actually challenges to a reasonable degree. Also, the game really loves throwing overpowered characters at you way before you're able to beat them.

Using Chance well in games

Here I got an article in favor of and one mostly against randomness in RPGs.

Using Chance well in games

I can think of a few places where I believe randomness fulfills a purpose:

-Enemy Setups
Pretty simple in thought. A group with of five brigands with melee weapons is simplistic, but if one also has a shield and two use bows instead, the encounter would play out differently. Maybe they can also have charge skills, fire bombs or healing potions. Just varying the types of enemies and their skills can trip up the player and require different tactics.

-Secondary Effects
Hit chances are pretty much just annoying to me. However, secondary effects make the hit/miss thing not a binary where your attack is either fully effective or does nothing at all. Having this chance mechanic in your combat will completely abolish losses because the party's attacks missed too often.

A good amount of randomness keeps your AI from being completely predictable. While there should be patterns and tendencies, some situations and enemies should have random actions to leave uncertainty.