I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
The Unofficial Squaresoft MUD is a free online game based on the worlds and combat systems of your favorite Squaresoft games. UOSSMUD includes job trees from FFT and FF5, advanced classes from multiple other Square games, and worlds based extremely accurately upon Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Final Fantasies 5, 6, and 7. Travel through the original worlds and experience events that mirror those of the original games in an online, multiplayer format.

If a large, highly customized MUD, now over 10 years old and still being expanded, with a job system and worlds based on some of the most popular console RPGs seems interesting to you, feel free to log on and check it out. Visit uossmud.sandwich.net for information about logging on.
Born Under the Rain
Why does the jackal run from the rain?



I need some Dragon Quest-esque names for special monsters.

Flanatos, the flan necromancer, is my own personal creation that you are free to steal

A.I. Generation and RMN

People with like minds should go to the places where they feel they belong.
Game design school? The dumpster? A mental hospital? One of those suicide booths from the first episode of Futurama?

Cannot search without specifying game engine.

problem solved, apparently

How much lore should you find in a university library ?

I believe the traditional answer is to put 8 books in your library, which are each 3 sentences long.

[RMMV] Should I Make My Game Commertial?

If you make it commercial, it'll take way more time and effort to get it up to the level of quality people expect and to get assets that you have the legal rights to, plus you'll have to spend money on marketing, and in the end you really only have a small chance of making any money. The overwhelming majority of indie games released commercially get less than ten purchases. You'll also probably enjoy it a lot less.

Doing work for free is extremely taxing and in my opinion completely foolish, as now I have personal experience from working a job as well as doing art commissions online.

If you see it as extremely taxing work, instead of a hobby that you enjoy, then I think that's your answer. Don't do it for free in that case, obviously. The question then becomes whether to do it at all.

[SOLVED] Game Page cannot display thumbnail

Just posting the solution here for anyone else who finds this topic through searches:

This is a known glitch with how RMN handles submitted images. This problem happens if you remove or replace an image on your game profile, and your new image has the same filename as one of your old images. (Having the same creation date may or may not be required to cause the glitch.) The image actually looks fine to anyone looking at the game for the first time. It's just broken for you because it has the same filename and date as one of your old deleted images, so your browser cache isn't dealing with it properly.

To solve the problem, you need to make sure you don't need to reuse image names. If you upload an image for your game, make sure it doesn't have the same filename as an existing image or a deleted image.

You can also kind of solve this problem by clearing your browser cache, but doing so only solves it for you. It won't solve it for other people who also saw the old image and have it stored in their own browser cache.

Lying to Players

There's a massive difference between someone thinking that something happens more often than it does when they don't know the numbers, and lying to someone about the numbers in order to perpetuate their bias. People falling prey to a bias doesn't make it acceptable to lie to them. It's fucking repulsive. I don't think any of you should be allowed to make games.

Lying to Players

More foolish than balking at the numbers is assuming that humans don't fall prey to confirmation bias or gambler's fallacy.

Of course the absolute dumbest of people do fall prey to that, but that's no reason for a game designer to change their game.

How many items do you like to be able to carry in an RPG?

If your game is designed around dungeons being tests of endurance for the players to get through without running out of resources, then giving them nearly-unlimited resources ruins your game. Games like Secret of Mana, Kingdom Hearts, and Dragon Age 2/3 handle items like this and do a good job, letting players carry a small handful of healing items which are pretty carefully measured to match the length of the dungeons. A lot of these games also let players increase their inventory capacity slightly as the game goes on, matching the increased length and difficulty of the dungeons.

If your game isn't designed around testing the player's resource management as they go through an area, then why do you have a giant inventory of healing items at all instead of just automatically healing the player after each fight? Just give them a few emergency supplies, which they can use when they're on the verge of death in a boss fight.

Attack items that basically function as ammunition are different. If every time the player attacks, the attack expends an arrow or a grenade or a dose of poison or whatever, then the game should let players carry however many of those items causes the player to feel getting lost or grinding or using a bad strategy will cause them to run out of resources. Let them carry just barely enough to beat the dungeon if they ration their resources carefully.

MP recovery items can, annoyingly, fall into both categories if MP is used for both healing spells and attack spells. I usually feel like offensive spellcasters should have a secondary way to recover MP in these kinds of games, so that MP recovery items can be limited in a way that's calibrated to the healers.