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Twell Review

Thank you for your review. I truly appreciate that, even though it is not your kind of game. Nicely written as well. My goal was to give the player an adventure. Combat wasn’t my main focus. They are quick and simple. The focus was diversity in puzzles and side quests, never giving the feeling of doing the same thing. But I think this is even more present in the later dungeons. There I was able to go all out.

By the way, based on where you find the shield, I can see that you've played on an older version. The start of the game has been changed to not force the player to first go to the village and instead immediately go to the rest of the dungeon. A puzzle in dungeon 5 was also changed in that same update.

Eling: First Dimension Review

Sorry for my late response.

Well, I'm a bit on the fence with goal-completing stuff: I never bothered to get it up to 100% (or even anywhere close to it) in just about any game where it's a thing, but I do like to try doing about 20-30% of them just for the sake of it. Thus, it doesn't look bad here, especially since AFAIK Eling never claimed to be "retro", "old-school", etc.
I wasn't expecting that people would take the time to complete the game 100%. It's just an extra feature for those who want some extra challenges. The only reason that it's a bit "old-school" is because of the old-school graphics, I figured that 16-bit music was the best way to go for this game.

However, I do want to say that the codes a really a thing a tiny minority of players uses, and seeing them put in when the game doesn't have enough maps to avoid reusing (a rather objective design shortcoming, one that affects everyone) can certainly be rather annoying. I remember Mercenary Kings got plenty of backlash for it: lots of players just went "OK, thanks for the crafting, but I don't need any of it, and active reload is useless. Can we instead not be sent to the same map 7 times already?"

In fact, they (and the Golden Edition) really seem to be the thing you've tried just to attempt to keep the interest (and the downloads) going over time. Here, Gibmaker is right: it really doesn't work that way with RPGMaker, and especially not with the platformers. The people who download them do so to have fun, beat them and MOVE ON, not to re-do the completed levels with some power-up they probably didn't need either way.
I agree with you, they move on but it's meant to be for new players. Some people like the extra passwords, some don't. It's your choice to use them or not. Of course it's a way to give my game some more attention but the L.J. Ware Mode feature was made for my upcoming game Twell: Sword of Light. After I made it, I figured that it would fit in my other games as well. However, the mode is a bit different in Twell. (In my opinion, even better.)

Nearly all the games that actually do inspire long-term attention on here are the story-driven ones, and I would say the thing that dampened download count the most was the "It almost doesn't have any story, there are no text boxes in this game and it's all about surviving and collecting." on the game page. Do you think it actually sounds attractive? To me, at least, it came off really generic and "So What?" at first, and I struggled to care until the first review got me to subscribe. Given that we know the download numbers are still quite sluggish, I would say most people reacted the same. If you want people to take interest, the game page description needs to sound sharp and distinct, and not largely interchangeable with lots of other platformers out there.
I never thought about that. Thank you. I wrote it once and never really thought about it again. I made a new game description with more screenshots, features and examples. I hope it's a lot better now.

Eling: First Dimension Review

Thank you for playing and reviewing my game. :) I think the reason that we make these games is because we want to build a game that we like for ourselfs. I like extra features that will effect the adventure. I didn't made it to be look like a commercial game. My new game, Twell: Sword of Light, is also going to have extra features that effects the Adventure Mode. Just like this game, you can ignore it. So I hope you won't lower my score for future games. :p

Anyway, thanks again. It's good to know that people playing the game until the end and liked playing it. :)

Eling: First Dimension Review

Glad you enjoyed the review! And don't worry, if your games keep being as good as this, your time to shine will eventually come... :)

Thanks! But I'm happy with every player that enjoys my game(s) of course. :) I hope that you're gonna enjoy my third game, Twell: Sword of Light, just as much when it comes out.

Eling: First Dimension Review

Thank you so much for this review. I enjoyed reading it. I worked so hard on this title and I was disappointed by how little it has been downloaded. So it's great to read that people like you recognize the effort I've put into this game and just had a great time with it. Even with the standard tileset.

The other 50% of the title meaning is that the word 'Eling' comes from the Dutch word 'Eenling', which means a lone individual. ;)

Eling: First Dimension Review

Thank you so much for this review. Your writing is really good, I enjoyed reading it. I hope more people will recognize my game, even with the standard RTP. Put a lot of time in this project so thanks again!

Shindra Duel Adventures Review

Oh, thanks! I didn't thought it was that good... :P

Yes it was, you put a lot of work in this review, I appreciate it. :)
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