Now that I have an RMW account, and want to bring Matsumori Days there (amongst other games), I'm looking at the images, and going, "I need to update these".


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Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
It never occurred to me to advertise my game to other sites. I'm too focused on actually finishing it first.

This is an idea for the future...

EDIT: And perhaps the feedback you get over there could inspire you to get back to work on Konae's Investigations? I want to get through Matsumori Days so badly, but life keeps getting in the way...
Guardian of the Description Thread
Getting back to Konae's Investigations in a more substantial way than merely putting it back on hiatus (Hey, it's better than cancelled!) would probably be most welcome. One thing at a time, though!
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