

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Btw, why is it that fullscreen just stretches the screen to fit your current resolution instead of switching to 320*240?

Because that's a much better way to handle it. If it switches your desktop resolution, it can screw with the other programs that you have open in all sorts of obnoxious ways, especially if RPG Maker doesn't shut down normally.

RPG Maker MV announced for PC and MAC

JavaScript is a lot better than people make it out to be.

It has very simple rules about type coercion, but because they are not apparent at first people make fun of them. The only time that really will bite you in the ass is with using null
Really? Seriously?

JS also has good object oriented features. Unfortunately, most people immediately think that "object oriented" means "inheritance with virtual functions". That's not what it means, that's just a certain way it can exist.
...and the only way it actually works successfully.

In fact, JavaScript is more like the original object-oriented language, Smalltalk.
The term may have been created by one of the Smalltalk guys, but the original object-oriented language was Simula, which introduced the notion of classes, inheritance, and virtual methods. Then a bunch of guys led by Alan Kay decided to throw all that away because they didn't like classes and try something radically different that has failed miserably in the "marketplace of ideas" every time it's been introduced. The only good thing that came out of their work was the term "object-oriented programming."

And before anyone says "well what about JavaScript? What about Objective-C? Aren't they successful?", the answers to those questions are no and no, respectively. I mentioned the marketplace of ideas for a reason. You can't have a functioning market without strong competition. JavaScript is a monopolist in HTML scripting, and therefore no useful conclusions can be drawn from its dominance of that section of programming. And Objective-C, which essentially bolts Smalltalk's object model onto the C language, is only used at all because Steve Jobs decided to force it down everyone's throat on iOS. It essentially does not exist outside the Apple ecosystem, and now that he's gone, even Apple is realizing that it sucks and is acting on it, working actively to replace it with a language whose very name underscores one of the major problems (particularly for game development!) with the Smalltalk/ObjC model: Swift.

JS uses a prototypical object model, which I think is actually very nice for game making. Even better than the object models of languages like C++ and Java. I often find myself wishing for a prototype-based object model in C and C++.
Well, C has no OOP support at all, and C++'s object model is completely broken from beginning to end, due largely to the fact that it supports inheritance and treats objects as value types, which are mutually incompatible for complicated technical reasons that would be really off-topic to discuss here. So even a mostly-broken model like prototyping would be an improvement. That doesn't mean it's not a mostly-broken model.

Really, it largely comes down to JS looking a lot like Java and C++ at first glance, and people draw conclusions based on those other languages.
And why would it not be appropriate, when comparing languages that have been successful in the marketplace of ideas to languages that have not, to look at the differences between them and see what they're doing wrong?

RPG Maker MV announced for PC and MAC

yeah right. java is actually a shitty language while Javascript is like a boss language now with NPM, APM and all the other package management tools.

JS is one of the worst languages ever created. James Iry got it exactly right in his satirical history of programming languages:

1995 - Brendan Eich reads up on every mistake ever made in designing a programming language, invents a few more, and creates LiveScript. Later, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of Java the language is renamed JavaScript. Later still, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of skin diseases the language is renamed ECMAScript.

How do you collaborate on a project?

RPG Maker only encrypts a project's files when you package it as an encrypted project. Otherwise, as far as I know, all resources are unencrypted.

Yeah, it doesn't encrypt them; it just saves them in a binary format that would make SVN (or any other version control system) puke all over itself if it had to perform a merge.

How do you collaborate on a project?

Every time I've tried to work together with a team on a RPG Maker project, we've run into difficulties in one particular area: sharing changes.

If I add a new map, I need to send everyone the new map file, but I also have to change the map tree file and send it to everyone. But if someone else added a new map at the same time, they can't accept the map tree file from me, because it will stomp their changes, so adding new maps becomes a big effort in coordinating changes between everyone involved. Same goes for database changes.

In "real" programming, this has been a solved problem for decades: you set up a source control server that's able to track and merge changes from different project members and it magically takes care of 90% of it automatically, and the last 10% just requires a team member to review the merge process and make sure nothing broke too badly. The problem is, because of the way source control functions, all that magic only works on source code, specifically, on text.

Every RPG Maker version so far has used non-text source files for its maps and databases. SMBX uses text files, but its format is undocumented and unstructured enough that a user would have a great deal of difficulty tracking changes if he had to review things to try to resolve a merge conflict.

Does the RPG Maker community have any established practices for making collaboration easier when you can't use source control effectively?

RPG Maker MV announced for PC and MAC

We're having some serious TNC problems here, it would seem...

RPG Maker MV announced for PC and MAC

Ugh, JavaScript.

I think James Iry said it best:

1995 - Brendan Eich reads up on every mistake ever made in designing a programming language, invents a few more, and creates LiveScript. Later, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of Java the language is renamed JavaScript. Later still, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of skin diseases the language is renamed ECMAScript.

Didn't there used to be a BOF2 remake project on here?

A few years back, I saw a project on here for the RMXP engine that was supposed to be an attempt to make a full remake of Breath of Fire 2, with some enhancements. It seemed to be fairly far along. I thought about it recently and went looking, searching through the site a few different ways, but I couldn't find it. Does anyone remember the project I'm talking about, and know where it is?

The official English 2k3 version is out!

I ported over Hero's Realm and so far so good. I did a lot of eventing in that game.

Was my conversion tool helpful? :)

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Seriously? Is the Basement Dweller stereotype even still a thing anymore? That kinda went out of style back in the 90s, when a nerd with no social skills became the richest, most successful businessman in the world.