

The Logomancer

The gameplay and story is nice, but those numeric puzzles are really annoying. I encountered two, first one was hats puzzle - not solved, second was that waterfall cavern where I looked for journal. That one was even worse and then I got fed up with it and ended playing and deleting the game. Solving absurdely hard puzzles is not something I enjoy when playing games.


I encountered an odd bug. After returning from Snake Island (after bee boss fight and discovering the truth) case was closed. Next day Eddie says he has to go to the Dr. Stanwyck and nothing else, but when I come there, he says this is not a right time for appointment. I didnt know what to do, so I tried to go to several places. When I came to Sharks, the game went "back". There was the scene with searching the desk and discovering the Snake island pamphlet again, the same before ever going to the Snake island. What should I do in first place if not going to the shrink?


Thanks god for Free Online Anagram Solver!!!


Great game there. Apart from those incredibly annoying code puzzles!!! One solution I had to find in forum, and if it wasnt written there I would be screwed (the drug real name). Other code that turns off laser in lab I couldnt solve for 10 minutes. I am not native english and I hate verbal and code puzzles in games.

Shattered Hourglass

I have a serious lagging problem ii Icywland. The game runs quite smoothly until I enter the town. Then it completely freezes and the game becomes unplayable after.

Sunken Spire

I am quite sure that this is one of the best rpg games I have played lately. It COULD be longer, but still I enjoyed it very much. Combat system and character development are really sophisticated, I like when all the playable characters have completely different development style. Battles were decent, sometimes a bit tricky, but never annoying, after a bit of thinking all was done. I loved the character personalities too, especially Elsa and Slime and overall I think that writing was pretty good. I hope there is going to be sequel too, it would nicely suit to the opened ending. Some games just have kind of atmosphere and this is one of them.

PS: There is odd bug (if I didn't miss anything), When I researched Dragon form and skills with Alma, nothing happened after. I had to find object to activate it. Research was useless to the three advanced forms.

Last Word (IGMC Version)

Great game! I finished it a moment ago and I enjoyed it very much. The battle system was a bit puzzling at first, but when I understood it I thought it is really clever, original and yet simple. The game could be longer, but I always say this when I finish a good one.
Btw, is there any way to rate game without writing a review?


And what should I do when I was exiled from Hekine?


I just discovered Mette at lab near Troll village, but he ran away again. Now I am at the mine but I do not have those nuclear suits. There is a kobold to recruit in the desert?? Didn't see any.


Mette - I revealed him as evil and saved the tree and after this he disappeared.
Elf - I fought him on beach cave, then on desert camp, he always ran.
On both characters I have quest remark just "find him".
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