And the ability to summon the "Office Whores" to deal damage to the enemies.
The mad beast from the red lair.

Update 13:02:2016

Gawd, I've been gone from here for one helluva time! lol
The Lover's Final Ballad...
A horror story of Love, loality and manipulation ♥


This glitch makes no sense...

Hello all!
So lately, when I was working on my game, I noticed a glitch that makes absolutely no sense what so ever!
During the game, you receive an item, an oil lighter and then when you go to a lamp, if you've got the lighter in your inventory, the candle will light up and turn on a switch.
but that is exactly what's NOT happening.
When I test the game, I receive the lighter but then the when I go to light the lamps,they do not light up, I checked if the switches are already on, they're not :(
Events wont even start up! Nothing is working :(
can somebody help me??

RPG_RT.Exe (RM2K3) does not work?

Yo yo, everybody!
So recently, I have been facing a problem.
I am on vacation so I could not bring my PC with me. That being said, It is obvious that I am doing this on another PC.
I wanted to work on my game but for some reason, whenever RPG_RT is opened, the screen (Whether windowed or full-screen) is black, then it hangs, then the window/screen just disappears.
The process is still running, at 60kb f memory and I cannot close it, nor can I end the process. If I try to, it does not end the process.
If I launch it from the engine, the same happens to the engine.
The pc is Windows 7, 32-bit, 2GB RAM, Pentium Dual core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz each core. RM2K3 and RPG_RT are set to windows XP compatibility mode.
I used RM2K3 on this pc before, during 2010 and everything worked perfectly :(

Can somebody please help me out here?

Zlib Error.

Hey guys,
So recently the disk partition on my Hard drive where I keep my projects on got corrupt...
So as I recovered my game, I discovered that some resources gone corrupt and when I started the game (I had to re-install RM2K3 because the partition corruption ruined RM2K3.)
it shows the error "Zlib Error"
What does this mean?
Can anybody help me? :(


Hey guys,
So today, I am going to warn you all about something, Facebook, never thought about. :\
So, last month, I was friends with these two guys who ALWAYS argued.No matter what.
One of them made a hate page, bullying the other guy(Lets call the guy who made the page:A and the guy who was being "Bullied" by the page: B)
B eventually found out about the page and prove that it was all a laugh because A, was a dumbass and got all his facts wrong(Facts related to B) and eventually I spoke some sense into A's stupid ass.
Next thing I know, A appointed me as Admin of the page and deleted his profile.
I was unable to remove myself because I was not the manager of the page.
Eventually Facebook kept warning me about the page, saying it is "My page" and that I will have to appeal for the page because there are reports the page is bullying somebody.
Next thing you know, FB deletes the page,and I get the warning (1 more offense and my FB profile is permanently deleted).
So yeah, I was screwed over. >_>
So anyhow, BEWARE about such things.
Tell me if there was anything I did not think about doing which I could of done.

Cherry patch ruined my game!?

Hey there folks,
Well lately for one of my projects, I was using the better aep patch cherry made and I followed the instructions on how to use it and it worked fine.Few weeks of not working on that project, the "end event processing" command is corrupted and whenever I select load or exit(V:3350=1, V:3351=2) with the "end event processing" command, RPG maker gives me this message telling me that there's been an access violation.This also happens in any event which uses the "end event processing" command.
Can anybody help me here?
Don't tell me I should of backed it up because I did.


I made this cuz all the old ones are dead so this is one for 2012.

1. ONLY THREE WORDS. two posts in a row from the same person.
3. use correct punctuations.
4.The story can go what ever way you people decide ;)


I saw a

Gender 0

Just out of curiosity, what does gender 0 mean?
I mean, like you can make your gender into Male, Female and Welp over here.
But I've seen member profiles with Gender=0

HELP!RM2K3 error!

RM community,please help me!
Today when I got up and tried to access the database of RM2K3,when I open the music or Monster encounter tabs,this error shows up
and thus I cannot access anything,then I closed RM2K3 and when I tried to open it again,It sez that the file path does not exist.Thus,I reinstalled it and so,it does not open at all!
Please help!:'(

Welp!RM2K3 error.

RM community,please help me!
Today when I got up and tried to access the database of RM2K3,when I open the music or Monster encounter tabs,this error shows up
and thus I cannot access anything,then I closed RM2K3 and when I tried to open it again,It sez that the file path does not exist.Thus,I reinstalled it and so,it does not open at all!
Please help!:'(

HELP ME!!!Online video problem!

Help me!On my computer,Online videos donot work at all on my laptop.I tried re-installing adobe flash and quick time but this bitch just wont work.Just when I wanted to watch the final ep if HunterXHunter.pfft.PLZ HELP :'c
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