

Phantasia Gaiden

Completely ignore what I said about being stuck. Went back towards the aya person again and the guard looking people started talking :) no problem now. Game seems great so far, loving it.

Phantasia Gaiden

Idk what ctrl is. There's a town early in with skeleton & snakes caves before it near a tower that has ghosts with ice magic as enemies I couldn't figure out where to go from there.

Phantasia Gaiden

I've noticed you can take the equipment off of the heroes your not bringing and sell their stuff which seems a bit off to me. I'm also a bit lost who I'm supposed to talk to or where I'm meant to go once I reach the town with the ghost tower. I go in the back of a house and I talk to a girl and the someone appears in the middle of town and 2 guards at the gate who I expected would continue the plot but I can't talk to them so I'm unawares of where to go next (also climbed the tower to the top to find it with noone to talk to either) *_*
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