"GONE: A grim cat with fluff. It has a curling tail and moves flirtively. On the cat is the image of finely designed stripes. BEWARE ITS CLAWS. Mittens is associated with snooze, theft and murder." ... "And the angel said to him, 'Stop hitting yourself!' But he could not stop, for the angel was hitting him with his own hands." ... "Cave Story is a jumping-and-shooting action game. Explore the caves until you reach the ending. You can also save your game and continue from where you left off."
Fake Happy End
In the middle of the sky, stood a... 'tower' of sorts...



Fake Happy End


[RM2K] Helen's Mysterious Castle

Y'all should play this yes.

Red Syndrome

Hey, thanks man! I don't know if I've said this somewhere, but I am slowly putting together another game using these systems, that'll be longer and more indepth. I haven't thought about the story in a pretty long time, so can't say where I was going with it anymore. On the mist question, just rooms visited. Falling in battle indirectly penalizes you that way, since you start back at the central terminal again. Mostly though, these days I'm trying not to "punish" the player for losing (like game over, reload save file, that sort of thing)

the narrator from darkest dungeon haunts my daily life.

Sounds like a good thing?


How in the world I missed this one? Gonna download it next day, 'cause I'm too wasted now.

so it's more for the atmosphere and story (which takes a really solemn serious turn).

So what? I play most games for the story, but having some gameplay there won't hurt. Recently I finished two Kojima's hidden gems - Snatcher and Policenauts, and while both have little actual gameplay and linear plot (no branching storylines you'd expect in most VNs), these games were worth my time - because of the story. So will Sainth, I assume.

Yeah, I'm quoting a comment from 2011, duh. What the hell, I had to.

eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh it's an okay story i guess. probably better to play it while wasted.

I wish I had all the free time in the world so I could make a Sailor Moon fangame UwU

Don't we all?


Woot congrats!

Do any of you ever get ideas from dreams you had while asleep? Just curious. That is where most of my ideas come from :)

Mostly, I just find that things that make perfect sense in dreams, end up not really making much sense in real life.

i didn't even want the ff7 remake anyway (cries)

Actually, it probably has a lot less to do with being faithful to the original, and more to do with doing what they know works. They've been pushing out games with the Kingdom Hearts style of combat for a while now, and I assume have gotten positive results for it, so it's clear that's what they want to do now. As a company, it doesn't make sense for them to go back to turn based, when a majority of the staff is now trained for third person action gameplay. Sucks for people who just want the original game updated, but it's hardly unexpected.

Now Barret with sunglasses. THAT'S sinful.

Wearing sunglasses everywhere is Rude's shtick. Why they gotta front on his turf?

i didn't even want the ff7 remake anyway (cries)

I have no qualms with this remake of seven.

since I've long given up the idea that square enix makes anything I'd want to play anymore.