The undead are among us,
at dawn they shrink back to their silken beds.
They dance by night
and drink the blood
of a child's broken neck.
The Curse of Cpt. Lovele...
Nautical-themed cephalopod-pirate-based action-shmup.



Why is vanity a bad thing?

A clue might be that the words vain and vanity come from the latin for "empty"

Would people be interested in a "general intro to programming" tutorial?

Ye, very much so. Although I'd probably prefer something more pragmatic for absolute novices and less abstract high-level concept stuff with no follow-along implementation (or even better yet - a pairing of the two)

I don't have the abilities, but they do. Why can't they make my game for me?

you ain't got no abilities.


you fuckass.

gah my son's dentist bill is $1712. Does anyone have any spare change?

There is no way that the work and materials involved in making and fitting a single set of braces could possibly amount to anywhere close to $5000 worth. Were you paying for the mining of the metal used too? Or is this just a US thing <_<

I guess dentists need their new cars and stuff.

So having finished my current game, what do I do next? Anyone have any ideas?

tactical owl simulator.

why can't I motivate myself anymore?

don't think about replicating it but surpassing it instead, give yourself a blank slate.

why can't I motivate myself anymore?

'coz you'z playin' it small.

Hot drinks

But what do you do if you’re already hot???

Hot drinks

Really get you going.

I got five on it