Studying for a Bachelor's Degree in Game Design
One day I'll compete on the world stage

Game Designer/Character Artist
Hello, and welcome to Evil Productions! Are games what they really seem?



Sooo... GamerGate

Whoops, sorry about that Liberty. I didn't know Statuses were their own thread thing ^^;

What games should I play?

Borderlands 2 with friends is loads fun.

Any game with friends tends to be loads fun.

Sooo... GamerGate

I've been wanting to ask about and discuss GamerGate a bit because I still don't really get what it's all about despite all the reading I've done. They all seem to contradict each other.

(I understand this may be a touchy subject because when I asked about it on the RPGMaker forums they closed the topic almost instantly but uh, I do want to know more about it, so I hope this doesn't turn into an argument throwing foodfight)

From what I've read, do correct me if I'm wrong.
This is what they originally standed for:
Gamergaters are people fighting for ethics in gaming journalism. They think there is too much room for biased opinions and bribery in it, and they want an established code of ethics so as to make sure that there is a proper level of respect and appreciation for games.

Anti-Gamergaters are against it because they do acknowledge that gaming journalism has always been this hard-to-regulate subject, but that's because journalists, reviewers and critics are people with their own opinions, and should be allowed to review and critique a game as they'd like.

But then a video about Women VS Tropes in Video Games happened, and then some people supporting GamerGaters began to flame the hell out of female journalists and the like, and putting their personal information on the internet and everything. And then it turned to something like:
Anti-Gamergaters are people fighting against Gamergaters because Gamergaters are a bunch of misogynist losers who are clinging onto old ways of gaming where there are musclely powerful men and shallow female sex object characters and that games are a privilege for men and women should take their opinions and stay out of gaming.

Gamergaters are fighting for Egalitarianism because Anti-Gamergaters are full of radical feminists who seem to be trying to push female superiority in gaming. What Gamergaters want to achieve is equal rights for both sides, as well as fairness in gaming journalism, but it's hard to achieve when radical feminists are pushing their agenda onto everybody.

So... I got boggled because I'm trying to get in on this debate, hoping to understand and maybe at one point I'd pick a side to stand on... but... It's hard to tell what they're really fighting for? At this point they seem to be only seeing the harmful members of each other's parties and thinking that's what they're fighting for, and trying to stop each other from doing that. They attacks are unfortunate, but I'm trying to see them as a separate issue from the cause they were initially fighting for to begin with.

I'm sure probably somewhere in there I'm wrong about something, that's why I was hoping for a little clarification.

At first I blindly thought to support the Anti-Gamergate side after hearing about all the death threats female game journalists got, but once I read about the cause GamerGate was initially for, I got conflicted. True, people have their own opinions of games, but I've seen review sites that advertise and push certain games because they were paid to do so (thanks to certain people trying to get in on the game business just for the money. Darn businessmen). MMOHut used to be one of my favourite review sites until I realized it just became a business outlet.

What is GamerGate? Is supporting it a good or a bad thing? Is it important to know about?

[Poll] Favorite Link Incarnation

I haven't played the Wind Waker because I've been trying to stop myself from playing it until I get a Wii U and play the Remake for MAXIMUM ENJOYMENT but I really like Toon Link and his expressions from all the gifs I see of him. He's so... much more alive than the others XD Really adorable

Second would be Skyward Sword Link. He has his funny moments

[Poll] Do you exercise?

I don't exercise a lot, but my friends do say I'm fit because I have an active lifestyle...

Of... climbing and jumping over any obstacle I see when we're walking in the streets.

Recently I've been trying to do push-ups and sit-ups before I enter the showers every day. If I get abs maybe it'll make the ladies swoon. I really just want to see how they react to it LOL

What've you been up to?

I'm still schooling so my life's not as interesting (I mean that in the kindest of ways) yet.

Just finished my holidays, hung out a lot with friends.
Trying to get myself to get to doing a full game of Antagonist but I haven't opened it since.
Recently seemed to have caught the attention of three of my close female friends for whatever reason.
Not sure what to do about it.
Got drunk with my friends quite a few times.
Argued with my mom in front of them.
Spilled family secrets and bawled and yelled and punched all over the place.
I am so ashamed about it and I still don't know how to face them in two days.

Don't do alcohol kids, it's not worth it.


Still though, I've always enjoyed the idea of collaborating with other game developers to make something big. But... it doesn't seem that realistic for something like that to start up from the get go.

And it probably won't turn out as awesome in my head, like when the many companies got together to make Project X Zone. Totally shat myself then.

I definitely like the idea though. I'm up for it... one day, once I've a lot more games under my belt and I'm sure I can keep up with everyone else.

HD Xenosaga

With all the popularity KOS-MOS gained from Super Robot Wars: OG Saga Endless Frontier and Project X Zone, who wouldn't want a HD KOS-MOS?

hero preference question

I like A.

It kind of bugs me when the destiny of the world rests on only one person's shoulders. Like the rest of the world doesn't matter save for this character. Or even if wasn't imbued with some destiny like being the chosen, he can't be the only one in the world that was courageous enough to make decisions to save the world. It invalidates the efforts of everyone else in the world. I mean, sure, castle guards are useless, but you don't have to rub salt into the wound. Saving the world should be a combined effort of... the world, you know?

If it's A, if he's thrust into saving the world, at least there was an explanation, because he was a normal person before then.

(I view manga the same way too. Like Fullmetal Alchemist showing that it took the combined effort of many different people to take down the antagonist. Unlike Bleach, where if the main character didn't exist the manga would be quarter as long.)

Usability of the 'Magician' class?

I was just browsing some MMORPG game videos and sites, and I began to question a certain staple class: The Magician. In most games the magician is regarded as the staple long-range damage dealer, incredibly fragile but incredibly damaging.

But when I tried to line them up against the other classes, some things didn't seem to make sense.

For example, when comparing them to Archers, another long-range damage dealing class, the Magician in most cases seem to do the same thing, but better. And then a lot of games try to play it off by making Archers specialize in debuffing and laying status ailments on the foes (sometimes redundant when a lot of MMOs make status ailments super weak, that it'd be much faster beating it to death than bothering with them in the first place), or just making Archers run around slightly faster; it doesn't seem like a fair tradeoff.

Some games claim that Magicians are able to hit the elemental weaknesses of enemies, making them a superior choice for the pros. Which... was a strange thing to me, because a lot of games don't have a way to tell you what the mob's elemental weakness is, nor do they make it very rewarding like in games, say, Persona. You get a 1.5 damage boost, uh, that's it. It's even worse when most games give a Magician skill tree that eventually branches and focuses on only one elemental type. You're almost guaranteed to be doing normal damage for 2/3s of the game (and sometimes you still do more than Archers).

Some games intentionally make their Magician classes expensive to play with the heavy reliance on expensive MP Pots. A game that did otherwise and got my thinking going was Onigiri Online. They advertise their game really badly by focusing on the wrong bits, because there are some really creative game elements in there. Their mage classes have their Block command replaced with an MP Charge. And I thought it was genius! Allowing mages to fight at the same usability as other classes that would be able to still fight had they no MP.

But then I thought maybe some players really like that, it being an expensive class. They could play with another easier class, get cash, then switch to the Magician for more... Erk, no, it doesn't seem so great that a whole class was singled out just for 'replayability'. Not only does it claim Mages are like a master race, it makes it seem like the point of the game is to ditch your beloved Warrior class for the expensive Mage class because that's what your money's for. Is it justifiable to have a class reliant on spending money on potions just to fight consistently?

I rambled a bit, sorry.

But basically I'm just questioning how Magicians are designed in so many games. I get that people like playing a certain class in most games, no matter how disliked they are (I'm a Sword kinda guy myself), but all classes shouldn't fulfil the same role but just with different armor and skill animations; neither should they be given a clear advantage over another class (Magicians and Archers).

What do you guys think of Magicians in games, MMOs and not?

Are there good examples of well-designed Magician classes out there?