Making a Dragon Quest game!
Action RPG - 1.44 Floppy Disc Entry



Villain Review

Great review, I enjoyed the read. Thanks for playing the game and giving feedback, you made some good points that even I didn't notice when testing (blank saves.) I'll definitely work more on the story for any other events I partake in.

You also make a good point about the interactions with NPCs, next time I try this game style I'll try and do some more world-building. Again, thanks for the review!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Added item sorting functionality to the inventory menu. Player's items can be organised by type too.

1.44 Floppy Disc Event

More notes on the Second Mellynd War Floppy Disk games! \o/

Villain did turn out harder than I intended BUT the ghost does point out the save point to you that is right before the archer you got killed by.


Nice premise and idea, I am curious about how this will turn out. And I like the graphic style. Well I'll try it when available of course!

Thanks! Your comment just reminded me that I forgot to put the download up. There are a few changes from the Floppy Disc event around the Player's hitbox but otherwise it is the same. Enjoy!

1.44 Floppy Disc Event

This is hard, but I love this. The character doesn't appear to be tied to the tile grid. Aesthetically, it works, but functionally, it makes play really obnoxious because he gets stuck on every little thing imaginable.

Thanks for playing and giving feedback, Piano. For some reason part way through development I made the player's horizontal hitbox wider and that made it clunky to walk through small spaces. I'll change it for the game page version and will also look to make some of the tile graphics wider so they match the 16x16 collision. Thanks again.

Screenshot Survival 20XX


Love this, you made the city look like a fun place to explore with all the active NPCs.


Thank you! It's been 6+ months of work so far, a lot of effort and learning but I am really enjoying the development.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

I've been working on a Dragon Quest game in MV for a while now and wanted to show some of the progress. I've implemented quite a few mechanics (formulas, state behaviour, equipment handling, changing formation) for battle/menus/characters and some UI.

(The images have been resized from the actual game res)


Nice 2k3 in MV! The lighting and the protag sprites look great.
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