Welcome to the RMN page for Bowtie Artist Games!
Gate:Way - Crystal Fragm...
Demo to a game of travelers on a quest to save the universe from Nightmares and bad guys with bad fashion sense. Weapons include knives, magic, time travel, and the occasional bad joke.



Bowtie Artist Games

If you are not making a game centered around drawing bow ties, I will be sorely disappointed.


You lied to me.

Well shucks, now I've gotta design an RPG based around bowtie and bowtie-related accessories, now don't I?
Different colors equal different a world of ties, one hero dares to wear a bowtie instead...

Bowties are for dweebs.

Dweebs get stuffed in lockers.

Aaaaand this is where I clear my throat and mention how I'm proud to be a dweeb amongst a world of dweebs and dweeb hunters. :)
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