


Work in progress...


I love it

This adds a lot of much needed visual diversity to the game. If I wrote down everything that I like about this I wouldn't be done by the time the game is finished, so I'll just say that the thing that stands out most to me is those static/noise clouds, and how you were smart enough to only give the texture to a select few clouds instead of trying to make all of them like that and ending up with a blob of static, which is probably what I would've tried to do. They're really creative and fit the tone of the game perfectly.

If I had to give some criticism, I'd say that while the art style definitely benefits from the parallax, it sort of clashes at first glance. Kind of feels like it doesn't belong there. To combat this, you could add some light gradients along top of the front layer to sort of blend the lighting. Maybe something along the lines of this...

Just a suggestion; I know this is still a work in progress. I'm so happy you're adding these little visual touches, they're really great.

Yume Nikki just released on steam, along with a countdown

I quite like this screenshot in particular

Yume Nikki just released on steam, along with a countdown

I don't make it a habit of trusting game companies at all, but I also don't make it a habit to distrust them. I think you're looking a little too hard for manipulative speech. The fact that the scrapped ideas for the original are being put into this, on it's own, signifies some sort of involvement from Kikiyama.

I don't particularly think the game will be great, but I don't think it'll be bad either. I'm neutral at the moment, and I'm not taking any sides unless I have good reason to.

Yume Nikki just released on steam, along with a countdown

Believe it was "approval" unfortunately haha

Yume Nikki just released on steam, along with a countdown

Your mom looks terrible jk

Depending on the price tag I'll definitely get this.

It's currently set at 20 USD. A little pricey for what I'm expecting, although apparently content that never made it into the original game will be added to this one, so there's no telling how big the game will actually be.

It's also nice to know that Kikiyama had complete supervision over the project.

Yume Nikki just released on steam, along with a countdown

Looks terrible.

I couldn't disagree more.

Is the project dead?

Will there be lootboxes
Special monochrome deluxe skins and emojis. And signature Blob AK-47's, all custom.

Is the project dead?

Will there be lootboxes

Eldritch Law

Getting some real Lovecraft vibes from this, (for more than just the word "Eldritch") which if always a good thing. Looking forward to seeing more of this.