Classic-inspired beat-em-up made in RMMV



Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

I just finished and submitted a project to the Meta Game Jam a couple of days back.

It's an action RPG done in RMMV, satirising the male gaze in video games, and a bunch of other incidental things. Made in two weeks, with all original graphical assets and my own original ABS, which I might use to create a longer NES Zelda-style game at some later stage.

It'd be really great if people could hop on over to and rate it. Here's the link.

Screenshots (large):

[RMMV] Autoload savegame on 'Continue'

Howdy. Been searching all over for the past 2 hours to no avail, so it's time to ask.

Does anyone know a method or plugin to make it so if the player presses Continue in the title menu, the savegame in the first slot, or the newest savegame, is automatically loaded? Either one would do.

Failing that, can someone tell me how to replace the stock "Continue" command with a title menu command that would run a Common Event?

Thanks in advance.


Don't worry about it. I hacked myself a solution.

Secret Santa 2017 {SIGN UP}

Thank you, Secret Santa, whoever you may be. I hope you won't mind if I post your work on Twitter, etc. as the first ever example of "fan art" for my game Future Ghost!

That said. I'm dog tired.
Thanks Liberty, for your efforts!!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Volcano time!

Volcano time!

I like how there's steam curling off the water as the magma hits it, but you'd also get at least a bit of a growth of black, hardening lava at a spot like that.

@jaybee: Nice room concept art!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

@ReMiX: Oh, it's pixel art! I was thinking it was vector-based. Nice and crisp. Good stuff.

[RMMV] Game freeze on startup

Solved it.

If anyone's using TDDP's Mouse System Ex in MV, just make sure you put it at the top of the plugin list.

Would this symbol be understandable for a sleep status? RM2K3

I'm thinking of using this representation which was used in the Asterix comics for when a character was sleeping. A saw going back and forth through a log (Snoring).

Do you think enough people would get this, or would it be better just to go with the old Zzz?
Might need some form of establishment to be understood by anyone who hasn't read Asterix in a while, or at all.

Does anybody know what the thing is in Final Fantasy IV that when they're asleep they blow bubbles out their nose or something?
It's a manga/anime convention. The idea is that people won't realise they have a runny nose when they're asleep, and will blow nose bubbles. Not sure where it originates, but it's in everything, not just FFIV.

[RMMV] Game freeze on startup

Okay. So my game has this nasty habit of freezing on startup. You load the compiled EXE and get "Now Loading...", except that it's not loading anything, and it doesn't spit out any meaningful error messages.

This happens consistently for some playtesters, and at a rate of about 1 in 5 startups for me. This occurs regardless of whether the assets are encrypted or not. I've also tried turning off the most recently added plugins, as it's a new-ish problem, but no improvement.

Anybody else encounter this and solve it in the past? Is there a way I can test for the cause of this problem? It doesn't occur in playtesting from MV directly, so the inbuilt console isn't going to be of much help.

Also, compiling an EXE from the HTML5 output using an alternate method fixes this problem, but creates another; savegames are only valid for the length of any one session, being deleted the moment you close the game. The fact that the game will run without freezing at startup however, using an alternate compiler, seems to indicate that the problem is with the way MV compiles its EXEs, not with the game assets or anything like that. Don't know for sure though, which is why I'm asking...

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Thanks, Cap. I like the softer look too, but I've received input on Twitter and FB that thicker main outlines are better still, so I'll be doing some tests with that approach next.

By the way Remix, could you show us a larger version of the first screen you shared? I'd like to see that in more detail. Looks like you're using a "no outlines" approach like the one I tried out above.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

And that kettle is a little large, but I'm sure they make big kettles? So...

Yeah, it's actually smaller now. #1 is an old screenshot, and #2 is a mock-up based on #1, so... Especially when you have to pick it up in-game, that kettle was too big. :)
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