

Games sequels, stay the same or go different? why and how?

The way I see it, games should stay the same way they were designed...

Like for example, if you think about it; the original SNES games loaded up way faster than today's PS3 or Xbox 360 games.

Yeah, you can understand how it takes MORE information for these games; but the concept was simple.

In other words (for those who don't get it), it's like having a standard house with no furniture inside vs a house cluttered with stuff.

The house with NO furniture may be simple, basic, and rather dull... but it still houses the person.

The house with lots of furniture is complex, full of stuff, and rather exciting... but it takes too much to handle.

Or, the way you can look at it is... the original idea was good, but adding onto it isn't really that bad either; it just matters how you handle the additions.

Adding custom wheels to a expensive vehicle is nice and all, but is it really necessary?

That's the way I see it... older and more "original" versions of these games were and are still fun; but I suppose people always want more.

With their "fake achievements" and all...

Scripting Made Simple!

Step 1: Find the .rb file somewhere on the internet (.rb is the script file).
Step 2: Open the .rb file in NOTEPAD.
Step 3: Copy the entire thing.
Step 4: Go back to the main RPG VX Ace program and press F11 (this means go to the project)
Step 5: F11 will bring up script editor.
Step 6: Scroll through the script editor list until you see where it says "Materials" and "Main Process".
Step 7: Where it says (Insert Here), right click and choose "Insert".
Step 8: Click on the new space created.
Step 9: It should be completely empty when you click on it.
Step 10: Paste the entire script page in.
Step 11: Consult the program and other scripters to see what you are supposed to change to make things work.

It's that simple... yet people can't seem to explain that.

Scripting Made Simple!

For some reason, and I don't know what it is; but people seem to try to explain everything out without just telling you "paste it in here, and then let the program do the work".

Like, about 5 to 10 minutes ago; I was having a problem with this script:

# ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Enemy Levels v1.02
# -- Last Updated: 2012.01.26
# -- Level: Normal, Hard
# -- Requires: n/a

$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported = true

# ▼ Updates
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# 2012.01.26 - Bug Fixed: Duplication of stat growth rates per enemy.
# 2012.01.24 - Added <hide level> notetag for enemies.
# - Option to change Party Level function in Action Conditions to
# enemy level requirements.
# 2011.12.30 - Started Script and Finished.
# ▼ Introduction
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# RPG's with enemies that level up with the party enforces the player to stay
# on their toes the whole time. This is both a good and bad thing as it can
# cause the player to stay alert, but can also cause the player to meet some
# roadblocks. This script will not only provide enemies the ability to level up
# but also allow the script's user to go around these roadblocks using various
# tags to limit or slow down the rate of growth across all enemies.
# ▼ Instructions
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Skill Notetags - These notetags go in the skill notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <enemy level: +x>
# <enemy level: -x>
# This causes the enemy to raise or drop x levels depending on the tag used.
# The new level will readjust the enemy's stats (including HP and MP).
# <enemy level reset>
# This resets the enemy's level back to the typical range it should be plus or
# minus any level fluctuations it was given. This occurs before enemy level +
# and enemy level - tags.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enemy Notetags - These notetags go in the enemies notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <hide level>
# This notetag will hide the level of the enemy. If YEA - Enemy Target Info is
# installed, the level will be revealed upon a parameter scan.
# <min level: x>
# <max level: x>
# This will adjust the minimum and maximum levels for the enemy. By default,
# the minimum level is 1 and the maximum level is whatever is set in the module
# <set level: x>
# This will set the enemy's level to exactly x. It a sense, this is just the
# usage of both the min and max level tags together as the same value.
# <level type: x>
# Choosing a value from 0 to 4, you can adjust the different leveling rulesets
# for the enemy. See the list below.
# Type 0 - Lowest level of all actors that have joined.
# Type 1 - Lowest level in the battle party.
# Type 2 - Average level of the battle party.
# Type 3 - Highest level of the battle party.
# Type 4 - Highest level of all actors that have joined.
# <level random: x>
# This will give the level a random flunctuation in either direction. Set this
# value to 0 if you don't wish to use it. Adjust RANDOM_FLUCTUATION inside the
# module to change the default fluctuation value.
# <stat: +x per level>
# <stat: -x per level>
# <stat: +x% per level>
# <stat: -x% per level>
# This will raise or lower the stat by x or x% per level (depending on the tag
# used). This will override the default growth settings found inside the module
# hash called DEFAULT_GROWTH. You may replace stat with:
# ▼ Compatibility
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that
# it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting.

module YEA

# - General Level Settings -
# These settings adjust the general level setup for your enemies from the
# way levels appear in the game to the default maximum level for enemies,
# to the way their levels are calculated by default, and the random level
# fluctuation they have. If you want enemies to have different settings,
# use notetags to change the respective setting.
# This is how the level text will appear whenever enemy levels are shown.
LEVEL_TEXT = "LV%s %s"

# This is the maximum level your enemies can achieve. They cannot go higher
# no exceptions. Adjust this accordingly to fit your game.

# Default level calculations for your enemies will be adjusted as such.
# Type 0 - Lowest level of all actors that have joined.
# Type 1 - Lowest level in the battle party.
# Type 2 - Average level of the battle party.
# Type 3 - Highest level of the battle party.
# Type 4 - Highest level of all actors that have joined.

# If you want your enemies to have random +/- levels of some degree, change
# this number to something other than 0. This is the default value.

# - Parameter Growth Settings -
# Here, you adjust how much stats grow for enemies by default, including
# the formula used to calculate those stats. If you wish for enemies to
# have different growth settings, use notetags to change them.
# These settings adjust the default growth rates (not the base stat formula)
# for each stat. These are the values that will exist for each enemy unless
# defined otherwise by the tags inside their noteboxes.
# ParamID => ,
0 => ,
1 => ,
2 => ,
3 => ,
4 => ,
5 => ,
6 => ,
7 => ,
8 => ,
9 => ,
} # Do not remove this.

# The following hash will adjust each of the formulas for each base stat.
# Adjust them as you see fit but only if you know what you're doing.
# base - The base stat from the enemy database.
# per - Growth rate which has not been yet converted to a percent.
# set - Set growth rate. Modified
# Default: "base * (1.00 + (level-1) * per) + (set * (level-1))"
STAT_FORMULA = "base * (1.00 + (level-1) * per) + (set * (level-1))"

# - Party Level to Enemy Level Action Conditions -
# Setting the below to true will cause the Party Level requirement under
# Action Conditions in the Action Patterns list to become an Enemy Level
# requirement. The enemy must be at least the level or else it cannot use
# the listed action.

end # YEA

# ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing
# computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or
# halitosis so edit at your own risk.

module YEA
module REGEXP

LEVEL_CHANGE = /<(?:ENEMY LEVEL|enemy level):(\d+)>/i
LEVEL_RESET = /<(?:ENEMY LEVEL RESET|enemy level reset)>/i

module ENEMY

LEVEL_TYPE = /<(?:LEVEL_TYPE|level type):(\d+)>/i
LEVEL_MIN = /<(?:MIN_LEVEL|min level|minimum level):(\d+)>/i
LEVEL_MAX = /<(?:MAX_LEVEL|max level|maximum level):(\d+)>/i
LEVEL_SET = /<(?:SET_LEVEL|set level|permanent level):(\d+)>/i

LEVEL_RAND = /<(?:LEVEL_RANDOM|level random):(\d+)>/i
GROWTH_PER = /<(.*):(\d+)()(?:PER_LEVEL|per level)>/i
GROWTH_SET = /<(.*):(\d+)(?:PER_LEVEL|per level)>/i

HIDE_LEVEL = /<(?:HIDE_LEVEL|hide level)>/i

end # ENEMY
end # REGEXP
end # YEA

# ■ Numeric

class Numeric

# new method: group_digits
unless $imported
def group; return self.to_s; end
end # $imported

end # Numeric

# ■ DataManager

module DataManager

# alias method: load_database
class <<self; alias load_database_elv load_database; end
def self.load_database

# new method: load_notetags_elv
def self.load_notetags_elv
groups =
for group in groups
for obj in group
next if obj.nil?

end # DataManager

# ■ RPG::UsableItem

class RPG::UsableItem < RPG::BaseItem

# public instance variables
attr_accessor :level_change
attr_accessor :level_reset

# common cache: load_notetags_elv
def load_notetags_elv
@level_change = 0
@level_reset = false
self.note.split(/+/).each { |line|
case line
@level_change = $1.to_i
@level_reset = true
} # self.note.split

end # RPG::UsableItem

# ■ RPG::Enemy

class RPG::Enemy < RPG::BaseItem

# public instance variables
attr_accessor :hide_level
attr_accessor :level_type
attr_accessor :level_min
attr_accessor :level_max
attr_accessor :level_rand
attr_accessor :level_growth

# common cache: load_notetags_elv
def load_notetags_elv
@hide_level = false
@level_min = 1
@level_growth = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(YEA::ENEMY_LEVEL::DEFAULT_GROWTH))
self.note.split(/+/).each { |line|
case line
@hide_level = true
@level_type = $1.to_i
@level_min = .max
@level_max = .min
@level_min = [.max, YEA::ENEMY_LEVEL::MAX_LEVEL].min
@level_max = [.max, YEA::ENEMY_LEVEL::MAX_LEVEL].min
@level_rand = $1.to_i
case $1.upcase
when "MAXHP", "MHP", "HP"
type = 0
when "MAXMP", "MMP", "MP", "MAXSP", "MSP", "SP"
type = 1
when "ATK", "ATTACK"
type = 2
when "DEF", "DEFENSE"
type = 3
type = 4
type = 5
when "AGI", "AGILITY"
type = 6
when "LUK", "LUCK"
type = 7
when "GOLD", "MONEY"
type = 8
when "EXP", "EXPERIENCE", "XP"
type = 9
else; next
@level_growth = $2.to_i * 0.01
case $1.upcase
when "MAXHP", "MHP", "HP"
type = 0
when "MAXMP", "MMP", "MP", "MAXSP", "MSP", "SP"
type = 1
when "ATK", "ATTACK"
type = 2
when "DEF", "DEFENSE"
type = 3
type = 4
type = 5
when "AGI", "AGILITY"
type = 6
when "LUK", "LUCK"
type = 7
when "GOLD", "MONEY"
type = 8
when "EXP", "EXPERIENCE", "XP"
type = 9
else; next
@level_growth = $2.to_i
} # self.note.split

end # RPG::Enemy

# ■ Game_Battler

class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase

# alias method: item_user_effect
alias game_battler_item_user_effect_elv item_user_effect
def item_user_effect(user, item)
game_battler_item_user_effect_elv(user, item)
apply_level_changes(item) if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

end # Game_Battler

# ■ Game_Enemy

class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler

# alias method: initialize
alias game_enemy_initialize_elv initialize
def initialize(index, enemy_id)
game_enemy_initialize_elv(index, enemy_id)

# new method: level
def level
create_init_level if @level.nil?
return @level

# new method: level=
def level=(value)
create_init_level if @level.nil?
return if @level == value
hp_rate = self.hp.to_f / self.mhp.to_f
mp_rate = / .max.to_f
@level = [.max, YEA::ENEMY_LEVEL::MAX_LEVEL].min
self.hp = (self.mhp * hp_rate).to_i = (self.mmp * mp_rate).to_i

# new method: create_init_level
def create_init_level
@hp = mhp
@mp = mmp

# new method: set_level_type
def set_level_type
@level = $game_party.match_party_level(enemy.level_type)
@level += rand(enemy.level_rand+1)
@level -= rand(enemy.level_rand+1)
@level = [.min, enemy.level_min].max

# alias method: transform
alias game_enemy_transform_elv transform
def transform(enemy_id)

# new method: apply_level_changes
def apply_level_changes(item)
create_init_level if item.level_reset
self.level += item.level_change

# alias method: param_base
alias game_enemy_param_base_elv param_base
def param_base(param_id)
base = game_enemy_param_base_elv(param_id)
per = enemy.level_growth
set = enemy.level_growth
return total.to_i

# alias method: exp
alias game_enemy_exp_elv exp
def exp
base = game_enemy_exp_elv
per = enemy.level_growth
set = enemy.level_growth
return total.to_i

# alias method: gold
alias game_enemy_gold_elv gold
def gold
base = game_enemy_gold_elv
per = enemy.level_growth
set = enemy.level_growth
return total.to_i

# alias method: name
alias game_enemy_name_elv name
def name
text = game_enemy_name_elv
if add_level_name?
text = sprintf(fmt,, text)
return text

# new method: add_level_name?
def add_level_name?
if $imported && show_info_param?
return true
return false if enemy.hide_level
return true

# overwrite method: conditions_met_party_level?
def conditions_met_party_level?(param1, param2)
return @level >= param1

end # Game_Enemy

# ■ Game_Party

class Game_Party < Game_Unit

# new method: match_party_level
def match_party_level(level_type)
case level_type
when 0; return all_lowest_level
when 1; return lowest_level
when 2; return average_level
when 3; return highest_level
else; return all_highest_level

# new method: all_lowest_level
def all_lowest_level
lv = all_members.collect {|actor| actor.level }.min
return lv

# new method: lowest_level
def lowest_level
lv = members.collect {|actor| actor.level }.min
return lv

# new method: average_level
def average_level
lv = 0
for member in all_members; lv += member.level; end
lv /= all_members.size
return lv

# overwrite method: highest_level
def highest_level
lv = members.collect {|actor| actor.level }.max
return lv

# all method: all_highest_level
def all_highest_level
lv = all_members.collect {|actor| actor.level }.max
return lv

end # Game_Party

# ▼ End of File

------This is the script for "enemy levels", by using this script; enemies will become naturally random levels thus changing all their stats and such. (or at least I think that's what happens)

If you happen to change anything in this script, anywhere there is an x or a 0, you can change it to 1, 2, 3, or 4 (or whatever other numbers are allowed: and this will then change the level of all enemies for that being.

So say I want all my enemies to be EXACTLY the same level of average level of my team (say most of my team members/party is level 35 and only two of them are level 20)

replace all the <set level: >

with <set level: 2>

This puts their level at AVERAGE of the total level of all people in your party.

Like, it's not that complicated; but for some reason, when MOST people try to explain it... they then tell you that you need to post things like <set level: x> in NOTE area.

And I'm like "it's not doing anything, just giving me a syntax error".

Like seriously, I'm not a script person at all; heck I copied someone else's script because I don't know jack crap about any of this; but it seems much simpler when you learn it out for yourself... or when it is explained to you in NORMAL terms rather than all this psychological intelligent psychobabble.

((This does not mean that I know about the script, it just means I understand the BARE minimum basics)).

For some reason, all I had to do was paste the script in and ta-da... everything did the work on its own... so I don't see why it is so difficult to explain it.

Leveling Up w/enemies & allies

There's a script editor(F11), and you can put in all non-rtp scripts in there. Make sure that they're below the Materials and above Main. :3

Thanks once again Genius Sana.

Leveling Up w/enemies & allies

Yeah, good ol' Yanfly made a script for that~ :)

Thanks Sana, now I have to figure out where to type that in and what the other postings need to be like.

Like... how do I make it active throughout the entire game?

Leveling Up w/enemies & allies

Alright, I'm sure this has probably already been asked before; but it seems extremely useful towards my dungeon crawler type of game.

The question is:

"Is there a way to level up the enemies as you level up?"

For example, as your team gets stronger; so does the enemies... makes sense?

Is there a script for that or something?

Quick Question(s)...

-Press F6 to enter Event mode.
-Select a tile, press Enter to make new Event.
-Select sprite Graphic for event.
-Insert command: Change Party Member... (add new guy)

-Press F6 to enter Event mode.
-Select a tile, press Enter to make new Event.
-Insert command: Show Text...

-Make Hero sprite invisible
-Make a black tile and fill the map with it.

Thanks, although I'm confused about the last one... that's how you make an opening video where you're like "welcome to _______________." and so on as like an introduction video... hmm, alright, I'll give it a shot. I trust ya...

Quick Question(s)...

1: How do you place a character's sprite on the field itself? Like, I want to place one on the field so that when the party/main character touches it; this sprite joins your party. (what is the script and how do I place him on the field?)

2: What is the script for dialogue/dialog? Like, what is the basic script for bringing up dialog in the game.

3: What is the script for making an opening black screen dialogue to tell people about the game before they start? Like, the screen will turn black before the game starts; and bring up a small text message saying something like "Welcome to ____________, the story takes place..." and so on and so forth?

I'm not exactly intelligent when it comes to scripting, and I can't seem to find the information when bringing up the HELP menu with F1.

UPDATE: I also figured out how to set events by the automatic pre-set event scripts for things like shop processing and such, but I don't know about the things above still.

Attempting to use "RPGmaker VX Ace Lite"... haven't the slightest clue what the hell I am even doing in the first place. Where is a manual in you need one?!?!

the f1 help manual thing in most rpg makers is actually really extensive and covers a lot of things that are still considered secret tricks and so on for some reason

it's a lot to go through but you should def at least skim it

also just make some nonsense! have a silly idea and make it happen. it doesn't need to be something release-quality -- at this point, doing literally anything will have good results and teach you a lot.

Thank you all for your help, I probably should have looked at the F1 a long time ago; but sadly, I'm a jackass.

Oh well, thanks once again though.

Team Miscellanium... Care to join/help?

If you don't know how to do something, learn it.
^ This~ Lol, for instance I recently wanted to become better at spriting so I looked around for some tutorials; found dozens of 'em. I also wanted to at least "try" delving into learning Ruby, but my god can it give a newbie a brain-fuck! xD (Learn Ruby the Hard Way..ugh. x-x)

But, yeah to be honest you're better off working on a project by yourself, since a lot of us are busy the majority of the time whether it be real life stuff or RPG Maker~ You can always ask for help if needed though. :)

Yeah, I figure it's best I work alone; at least until I have the basic framework of the game designed... that way I don't have to bother anyone to do my work for me.
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