Even newspapers have those nowadays.
In business there is no room for friendship. Competitors have to be eliminated at any cost. Fortunately for you, I'm not businessman. I'm a spy.



Mailbox (1): No unread messages?

Ah... For a while I've forgot that this site is written in a language more suited for automation on an UNIX workstation than for making websites.

Mailbox (1): No unread messages?

Yeah, it's because multiple tabs. Someone borked AJAX implementation for the site. Usually going to another page (such as subforums or thread) fixes it.

First Seed Material / REFMAP gone; resource recovery operation go!

And now tekepon.net turned into one of those ugly ad sites...

Ace autotiles ruined my fence!!

Ace's autotile format is broken (and this is generous - I don't want to use expletives as minors may read this and I would have if I'd want to describe Ace's, and VX's autotile format). I'd probably would look for some converter from XP's tile format or write one yourself if you're a coder. Unfortunately I don't have enough expertise in Ace's format (little autotiles I did was trial and error) to code one myself.

Is there any site to host files for free?

That said, just don't use Mega. Please. It's terribad.

Why do you say that? Unlike it's predecessor, Mega doesn't have "download timer" and is actually pretty fast. True, at first it has some problems working in Firefox, but now it works in any normal browser (and in IE as a bonus).

Battle Layout with player facing right: is it possible? [RpgMaker2003]

Flip sprites in image editor.

what appeal of the 2XP

Don't use 2k3.
Use 95 instead. It's better, trust me.

How do you get to similar games?

Maybe it could analyze game's description and other texts related to game? If they're similar to certain degree, game is deemed similar.

(VX Ace) Can you use RM2k3 graphics?

If you're converting to XP, then maybe. But he said he wants it in Ace. In addition to autotile format being TOTALLY FUCKED UP, whole tileset format is different with breaking of A (floor) tileset into separate files and other "quirks". So yeah, to convert it to Ace a tool is needed.

how do I make the student/apprentice period fun to play?

There are ways to get it interesting. Like your sensei asking you to clear out the rats in the basement.

I've once saw it done fairly well in one Czech RPG made in 2k3 (found translation online, but lost both the game and link due to a format, if someone knows the game, please let me know!).

Game character was magic apprentice. As game had day/night system completed with hours (one minute was equal to 10 seconds from what I remember), learning took place from 8 to 14 (this was Czech rpg, hence 24hour clock) and each learned "spell" (some took few in-game days to learn due to character's general silliness and misspeling the spells) was completed with nice animation (dunno if battleanim or pictures as I didn't know what RPG Maker is at the time so had no means of opening "those weird files") and then some kind of test, some very creative (there was magic that when used on map could switch any lever if it lined with character's sight, can't imagine how hard it was to code that on 2k3, the test? get through labyrinth that changes and you have pull levers, most of them unreachable, to get to the exit of each room).

After school, you could hang out in town and there were all sort of activities you could do, many of them available only once in a while, whole town was so alive!

Man, I wish I'd at least remember name of this game. Never got around to finishing it as save file got corrupted.