

If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...

Atheists get a free pass because they're not required to think.

A free pass...wonder what that is like...then again...maybe it is best not knowing.

If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...

Absence of Proof != (not equal to) Proof of Absence
Unfortunately, it is. If I do not have proof of my claim, then I can say literally anything and you have to take my word as fact. I don't mind if you have your beliefs, I can't talk anyone down from their religion nor do I wish to. What bothers me is people who claim the sky is falling over and over because someone will inevitably believe them, and some people go as far as to kill themselves to avoid it (yes seriously, look up any number of different cults that commit mass suicide). People have been singing the same tune since the dawn of time, and yet day after day people continue to keep living on. If your head-cleric (I don't know the nomenclature) is the one telling you these things, I would proceed with that religion with caution.

We could reverb this back and forth, but most people's faith is based on the fact that Absence of Proof is inequal to Proof of Absence, and I meant to put that in quotes but forgot (oops! I'm not fucking perfect! Holy Shit people, like that's news!) because I was quoting someone else (I forget the doctor's name off the top of my head). Oh well!

Mass Suicide - this is something we not only look down upon, but have anti-advocacy meetings about this regularly (I was there recently and we talked a lot about terrorist groups committing these types of acts among other nefarious things).

She is called 'Saiyazyin', and we rarely ever see her, since she's the one who oversees all of our Temples.

As for the one who oversees our Temple, the Lifted Acolyte is the one who has the final say in the chain of command, as it were. I've never met her, and likely will not unless I become a High Priestess myself (which may be in my near future).

The teachings are centuries old, as far as one can tell, even if some of the scriptures are only readable by those who understand Runic Languages.

I've been with these fine women for over fifteen years...I would never abandon them.

author=Mary 4D
hahaha holy fuckles girl...

'Holy fuckles'!???


Hold on, let me write that down.
.........Done. Thanks for that, a laugh and a new catchphrase.

In the previously linked "Debaucherous Traitorism Thread", I mention I had a vision. This vision revealed to me some pretty serious things outside of myself that put weight to my sins with the weight only being taken away when I spiritually sacrificed all that I had.

If your faith is true, translate this vision for me. What do your "gods" say? Can they show you what God showed me, these things I've sworn never to repeat outside of God's appointed time? What were these beautiful and terrible things?
^See, Reapergurl? You can be intelligent and have made it far in this community. :)

#dontholdback #vengefulgods #bullshittome #rpgmaker #religionisameansofwagingwar

I'm demanding accountability of these Pagan Gods, these workers of masterful illusions and deception at the hands of sinners; so-called false gods of self-serving humans.

History is ripe with people who claimed to work great deeds in the name of their Gods and gained graciously from it. They filled their houses with idols of wood and clay. Where are these idols now? Destroyed by time and decay.

Self-serving humans...

Unfortunately, these self-serving humans are mostly devout worshipers of the one God. No, unlike these places where people go in and give money that no one knows where it ends up nor what it gets used for, we have never required our followers to give us money, no passing of the tray, none of that.

We use our own money, and if we ask for donations, we do tell people exactly what the donations are going to. We are fully non-profit, and non-tax exempt. We are volunteers that have lives outside of the Temple, and we don't push our religion onto others outside the Temple, with exceptions to some of us whom are tasked with 'getting the word out'. I am one of those people, of course, this is a recent title acquisition for my many years of devotion to not only the 'religion' (we don't use this term ourselves), but our cause; during the Apocalypse, which is coming, our Temple will be a safe place to be.

Yes, I am an Informant; I relay vital information to and from people, keeping our Priestesses and Acolytes alert.

As it were, I'm also well-guarded in many areas, so I've even more peace of mind.

Okay, so you want me to reveal what I have been shown?

The issue is not telling you, it is you not believing a word I say. So, I will refrain but know this: I speak no lies about these matters, but am likely to not reveal everything because it isn't meant for everyone to know.


Also, you want to know something else?

We are the original Illuminati. Think about it. What a legacy.

If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...

There are plenty of uninhabited 25 square mile areas in the world. Most of North America is sparsely populated. Not to mention the great wilderness of northern Russia. There's also deserts and the ocean (though maybe the ocean doesn't qualify) if you want actual "open space". (Saying 25 square mile open space makes me think of a 25 square mile empty parking lot, but you then mention trees and whatnot so it seems it only needs to be "wildernessy".)

You do have a valid point. However, it cannot just be any large, uninhabited area (and a desert only radiates with flames and winds); it has to actually be centered around what we call a localized elemental spawn. These are not found everywhere, and with urbanization are rapidly disappearing.

What is this elemental spawn? In short, energy doesn't just flow, it has to be bound to a certain something (and that can be one of thousands of things-a good portion that of which are invisible to the unaided eye or are not visible at all) for it to flow; this spawn is where the energy flows from, around, and back to. Why would it need a lot of undisturbed space? In truth, it likely wouldn't, and 25 sq. miles is an estimate, but a safe estimate so that during the ritual, any sudden shift in the energy flow will be incredibly unlikely to interrupt the process.

I'm guessing you were Christian before converting to Paganism. Your obsession with angry gods and sinners is worrisome.
Namedropping Eden is a dead giveaway. I just feel like an ancient Pagan cult sect wouldn't need to use a Biblical placename.

No, all I believed in was Karma and Anti-Karma; it wasn't until I got into some hard drugs that I found myself wandering into the loving, caring arms of a Pagan High Priestess. A conversion? Lifestyle, sure, but my beliefs were only reinforced by the teachings, not converted.

Eden just happens to be her name; the original Governess of Innocence went by the name Darei, though in truth, she's merely the founder of the idea and had not been a Harborer, like Eden (Ay-dehn - Ee-dehn [ Iden] is a poisonous plant once used to make medicine with).

Worry not, every one pronounces her name wrong at first.

Reapergurl: What Gods? Do you have proof of these Gods or their hatred anger? Or sins? I feel a lot like I just read the introduction to some sort of near-apocalyptic JRPG. Not to be an asshole, but if you are going to make some claims like that I think you should have some sort of evidence.

Absence of Proof != (not equal to) Proof of Absence. Remember that, and especially remember it when the cataclysmic chaos caused by the sudden disruption and the Gods' interference makes daily life questionable.

It will happen without clear warning. It makes no sense to allow mortals to know something terrible and unthinkable is going to happen to them (and I surmise you can make sense of the reasoning behind this).

Is there visible proof to be found?

Probably not, but clear indications of things being different than what may be expected by the largest portion of the populace are often treated by the minority as non-coincidental.

A story that we often tell the youth involves a small town in the middle of a plain back in the eighteenth century, which had several small houses, and five larger building constructs - a Judiciary (Law/Imprisonment/Financial), Indoor Market, a Parlour (saloon/cat house/etcetera), and then a Church and a Temple.

This was a town where settlers had come from all places, and decided to make a thoroughly peaceful place to live, and for a time, it was so, until an outlaw decided to try to turn the people of one religion against the other (the names of the religions were not given or necessary), namely, the Church against the Temple, because this 'outlaw' had been banned by the Temple for various shenanigans that aren't mentioned in great detail.

All it took was one rumor being spread about a secret ritual chamber below the temple where the clerics would feast upon flesh and bone, and the war began.

Five years this went back and forth, all the while the clerics only defended their lives and the lives of the innocent whilst the Church mobs chose to use whatever they could muster to end the heretical ways of the Temple.

Houses were burned, as were the Market, Parlour and the Judiciary, until only the Temple and Church remained standing, and even those were torched, but burned slowly.

So much smoke went into the sky that it generated storm clouds, and it got so powerful that it spawned a tornado. People ran for their lives, the true heretics hid like cowards whilst the clerics prayed in the burning Temple for this to be brought to a swift end...

...And it was.

Once the storm cleared, people came out of hiding to find every house had been destroyed and scoured to their foundations, with some houses having their foundations ripped away as well, and even the Parlour, Judiciary and the Market weren't spared.

However, the Church was a complete pile of thoroughly burned rubble, and underneath were the bodies of many, whom had hid within its' said-to-be sturdy walls, forty-six in count and unrecognizable.

The most awe-inspiring thing of all, was the Temple. Left untouched, and no longer burning, nor any sign of any fire damage on the exterior, people saw this, and wondered why they were spared.

But rather than allow their beliefs to be swayed, the town was simply abandoned by the majority of the surviving populace; it was rebuilt as a town for the devotees of the Temple.

At the end of this book, an illustration of the town from a top-down perspective is shown, as well as what it looked like after the storm.

The symbol that the houses with their foundations still standing kind of resembles the symbol we use in common reference as a 'Justice' symbol, while the symbol of the houses completely ripped away resembles the symbol for 'Deceit'.

Copyright laws

Right, because it makes fiscal sense to bring every violator to civil justice, but then you're bankrupt...I think there are five, maybe six companies who royally screwed themselves that way...

My friend has the right idea by going the Anti-Copyright route...

Fan games are just an extension of the love the creator has for the original work and/or is looking to improve upon an idea. In general, innovative people like that land jobs at some point.

But when I think of the best way to create something fan based, modding is the best way to go, like the New Threat mod for Final Fantasy VII, many of the mods for the Elder Scrolls games (including one I won't mention publicly), or armor mods for the Megaman X series (palette/character/stat mods), among others.

I've played a few fan games in the past that actually led me to play the original works (and this is true for a lot of gamers).

What are you thinking about right now?

About my sisters, Aurelia (older) and Ann (younger).

Long story short, Aurelia is in a coma, and Ann is using my mother's identity to try to get Aurelia transferred to a treatment facility so that she may eventually (in my sister's twisted mind) awaken...

After eight years on life support...I cannot imagine Aurelia ever being functional again. I've been trying for years to have her taken off so she can go in peace...

Copyright laws

Fan games are illegal.

Only if you're stealing an idea, and not giving proper royalties where they may apply.

A game license will cost hundreds of millions of dollars...

Market shares, perhaps, but an independent license would cost between $50 and ~$2,000. A corporate license can cost a lot more, but at that point, it's likely you'd be asking to have the support instead because that usually comes cost free (though there are exceptions and I'm looking at you MICROSOFT).

As soon as you make a dime off of your media...

Only if they have definitive proof of anything. And there has to be proof of a profit made (talking about the documents here) before a magistrate will even consider it, and sometimes, not even then.

Mario is a well-known, well-loved character (though there is about an equal share of those who hate him - can't win 'em all), and this is something that Nintendo of Japan has recognized and has been recognized for; those that create fan-based content (the comic and TV show were both fan-based content originally as was the live action movie) are not necessarily going to be sued or DMCA'd or whatever (just don't be stupid with your fan project).

Actually, that rendition of Mario looking a bit more masculine and 'westernized' would probably impress some at Nintendo of Japan, but just don't show it to the Greedy Nintendo of America.

If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...

You see, I - as a Christian and a mortal - love all people and wish no harm to befall them. I've been shown grace by my God and far be it from me to turn around and smite people.

The Gods are angry at us, but know this; the anger they have for us is multiplied by at least a thousand fold, for those responsible for destroying the balance of things. Once those who have been marked have been dealt with, we can once again be one with the flow of elemental power, as it should of always been.

This, however, reeks of an infernal hatred for all things by the non-mortals. seem to be forgetting how this works.

Mortalkind is held to certain standards, whereas non-mortals create these standards, but whether or not the non-mortals follows the same standards is entirely up to them with no consequence.

Another thing...and I'll illustrate with RGSS Syntax.

Anger != Hatred (Anger is NOT the same as Hatred; you can consult both a Lexicon and the Thesaurus)

The Gods are very angry at us overall. But those whom have defied and defiled their will are those whom have been marked for expulsion from the living.

If this were an act of hatred, as you incorrectly call it, all sinful mortals would be expelled from the living. Now, there have been times, as we have been told, that entire mortal races have been exterminated in this manner, but as it were, it is an extreme case. Is planet Earth an extreme case? Not really.

I mean, we've done a lot to incite a powerful retribution, but for every ten sinners who don't repay for their sins, there's one or two that do.

Oh, I should mention one falsehood about sins. A child born is a fresh slate, so to speak; only in the eyes of other sinners do children inherit their parents' sins.

A lot of children will vanish from the world, but only because they've been brought to Eden, the Harborer of Innocence for safekeeping, sometimes permanent residence. Not just children, but those who society has burdened with their sins, those falsely accused, persecuted, and shamed, as well as those whose lives are dedicated to selfless deeds.

The time draws near, so very near. But in the end, any religious following/lack thereof has no meaning to the non-mortals, only to the mortals whom of which we all convene with.

I once spoke of my truest wish, and as selfless as it was, unfortunately, human kind in general are not selfless enough to see it as anything but selfish.

"For the human race to perish. We have abused our land and abused ourselves far beyond the possibility of forgiveness."

It is merely a wish based upon a true and insightful observation; for such a wish to be brought to realization by non-mortal hands is rapturous.

If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...

Y'all should probably get back on those rituals, if your gods are so mad.
Maybe they eat people. That is generally frowned upon. But I really don't know what I am talking about.

Okay, sure. We'll just decimate an entire civilized area around the size of twenty-five square miles so we can have our open space.

I cannot think of a quicker way to not only anger the Gods further, but to anger an already paranoid, and vicarious race of mortals, because overpopulation is not only favoured, but somehow legal.

Eating people...seriously...

That may be a survival instinct, but not any sort of ritual we perform (and as an Elementalist it would serve no purpose to eat a person but it would not necessarily be looked upon as nefarious).

So, why do we need as much open space? Generally, all sorts of elemental power comes from the parts of the open space such as the soil, the trees, bodies of water, unbridled wind, and so on. Bustling cities and even small towns tend to block this freely flowing power. Even a small ranch out in the middle of nowhere can be an obstacle.

Some of us have been called 'hippys' because of our love and need of large, natural areas, and that doesn't bother me at all. However, what does is all the negative and unearned stigma that comes our way because of Corporate Greed, Lovers of Inequality, and Toxifiers that love to destroy without paying their dues.

The Gods are angry at us, but know this; the anger they have for us is multiplied by at least a thousand fold, for those responsible for destroying the balance of things. Once those who have been marked have been dealt with, we can once again be one with the flow of elemental power, as it should of always been.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got levels to design.

If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...

Well Christians can't really have stolen holidays from a purposely hidden religion sect since the whole reason they stole holidays was to appease the forcefully converted populace so if one of the original religion sects were tiny and hidden there wasn't really any populace to appease.

We hid because we knew that we would be the survivors of the end times, which do draw very near, very quickly. But a forceful conversion of some of our highest regarded Acolytes forced us to stop some of the rituals we did in open spaces.
We have yet to resume such rituals. The Gods are displeased with us and as such they punish us daily.

Also, there is no large Pagan sect. Any given sect has no more than ~100,000 followers, and at most has 100 clerics.

If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...

I thought it was silver spoon in mouth

Either way...

Cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man in the moon

Ten silver spoons coming after me, one life with one dream on repeat

That gave me a little chuckle.
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