If you have any sanity at all (or any amount of common sense), you'll AVOID the market until Monday, Tuesday to be safe. Can't even get a pint of ice cream due to all the chaos of Easter...


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"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
Good news! Jesus let a stone roll in front of him during this time and spent a few days away from the world. You can do the same, just lock yourself up inside your house over the weekend.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
okay but you could gain fame as mary magadelene by being the first to find him alive???
Great news for all; the Christians stole so many holidays from us, the Pagans.

Oh wait, that's bad! Bad news indeed, especially's all for the purveyance of Greed.

At least, I DID get my bloody ice cream. Yummy funnel cake, and triple brownie. Caramel sauce, and I am all set for a lonely week, and incoming birthday one week from Sunday.

All I need is a bottle of red wine, and I can celebrate another year of pain and sorrow by drinking it all away.

Cheers! Here's to the end of us all! I raise my glass!
I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
Ummm idk about half of that, but yay icecream!
Ummm idk about half of that, but yay icecream!


But really, I think you gotta relax a bit.
Stand back. Artist at work. I paint with enthusiasm if not with talent.
Woe is thee
Darkness, sorrow, sadness
Tears of blood
*weeps softly*

Yeah i'm not a very good poet.
Btw happy holy week everybudeeh
"My father told me this would happen."
They speak the truth. I just went out today and forget it was Easter.

I was like "Its backed up three or four miles down the highway, and its still noon!"
Woe is thee
Darkness, sorrow, sadness
Tears of blood
*weeps softly*

Yeah i'm not a very good poet.
Btw happy holy week everybudeeh

They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
TBH the stuff you're complaining about wasn't "stolen" by Christians, it's just plain old secular consumerism.
extreme disappointment
TBH the stuff you're complaining about wasn't "stolen" by Christians, it's just plain old secular consumerism.
Stolen is a strong term, and it's about 2000 years late to complain about it, but I think she's meaning that some dates surrounding Jesus were changed to match with pagan festivals as it helped Christianity spread into Northern Europe.

Can't speak for everywhere but in Scotland Easter lines up with Beltane, where we play with fire.
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
I'm aware of the date thing. But when she claims it all being for Greed, it makes it p. clear that the message is not about making it easier for people to claim conversion without having to give up important cultural events, but about junk getting sold in stores.
the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is

happy easter!
Hey, I went grocery shopping on Friday and was able to pick up a big bucket of Ice Cream with no problems at all. And even I couldn’t - thank god I’m right next to a 7-11! :D

And Happy Easter to you too, InfectionFiles! I’m still trying to finish all of my Christmas chocolates, still.
the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is
Hey, I went grocery shopping on Friday and was able to pick up a big bucket of Ice Cream with no problems at all. And even I couldn’t - thank god I’m right next to a 7-11! :D

And Happy Easter to you too, InfectionFiles! I’m still trying to finish all of my Christmas chocolates, still.
Thanks buddy! :D And me too, and Valentine's Day
I know that I have only like 10 chocolates left to finish, but I keep on passing them up whenever I’m around the fridge and grab something else instead. Maybe I should finish them all up this weekend and just get it over with, since after Monday I would imagine that Easter candy will be on sale and that’s when I should go pick some up.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Re-appropriated is probably better. Steal is actually too strong of a term, since a big reason that Christianity celebrates the holidays it does is because people who converted from various religions weren't willing to leave their traditions behind, and so, they assimilated into the culture. There is very little that Christianity expressly stole. They stole the idea of Sunday being the sabbath instead of Saturday. Really little things like that. But the big holidays? No, those were so ingrained in tradition that were going to become a part of Christianity whether Christianity liked it or not. Now, what the Catholic church DID do was use these holidays to manipulate their followers; adding new symbols and creating new associations for old symbols and so on. A good example is Christmas. Through the 1600s and 1700s, the Catholic church was confident that they had finally killed off Christmas, a holiday they saw as being the worse example of Paganism. In fact, in many regions, people had never heard of Christmas. Still, there were a large number of people who celebrated Christmas in spite of church doctrine. Christmas didn't become really widely accepted by the church until the 1800s, when Coca-Cola got the idea promote its soft drinks, and church eventually had to acquiesce to the power of corporate appropriation.

Yeah, you read that right. We don't celebrate Christmas because of Christianity. We celebrate it because of Coca-Cola.
Easter has always felt like one of those Christian holidays that would be easy to date since in the New Testament it seems to happen around a Jewish holiday. Of course it's pretty clear there are a couple of other holidays merged with it. (There's no way witches asking for gifts in exchange for a fruitful year is a Christian tradition :) There's enough similarities between Easter traditions and Walpurgis traditions (over here anyway) that they are probably basically the same holiday. (for local variations the bonfire is usually a Walpurgis thing but slightly north of where I live it's also tradition to do the bonfire thing during Easter) Christianity is way more involved during Easter.

Also just as an aside although it clearly wasn't asked for (so ignore this paragraph). "Paganism" is not one religion. It's like a blanket term for a bunch of (mostly polytheistic) old religions that got eaten up by Christianity. Or in fact I think an actual pagan is everyone who isn't part of an Abrahamic religion. It's just an old pet-peeve of mine all of these "new age neopagan hippies" who think that their newly invented traditions are somehow more pure or original than those that have evolved over centuries.

Also I went by the store today, got some candies and foods for the weekend. There were plenty of people but they had enough cash registrys open that I basically had to wait in line for less time than on an average weekday.
extreme disappointment
Through the 1600s and 1700s, the Catholic church was confident that they had finally killed off Christmas, a holiday they saw as being the worse example of Paganism. In fact, in many regions, people had never heard of Christmas. Still, there were a large number of people who celebrated Christmas in spite of church doctrine. Christmas didn't become really widely accepted by the church until the 1800s, when Coca-Cola got the idea promote its soft drinks, and church eventually had to acquiesce to the power of corporate appropriation.

Yeah, you read that right. We don't celebrate Christmas because of Christianity. We celebrate it because of Coca-Cola.
Quite the opposite- it was the radical protestants, the Puritans post cival war in England and the Pilgrims of America, that banned Christmas due to it's ties with Catholicism and King Charles I. The ban was lifted when Charles II took the throne in the 1680s but the more Calvanist areas such as Presbyterian Scotland still opposed celebration. It remained a holy day until 1834 where it became an English bank holiday and was really still a day for the rich and upper classes, it was around this time where many of the modern traditions arose Scrooge, Bah Humbug, cards & decorated trees for instance. This is how Christmas remained, albeit for the rich, until the post war boom in the 50s where feasts, trees and everything was adopted by the masses.

I don't know what corporate revisionism they teach in American schools but Coca-Cola has fuck all to do with Christmas outside popularising the appearance of Santa.
author=all whom replied
Great explanations of history, culture, successful trips to the well-staffed grocery stores and nasty convenience stores, and borderline heretical statements about various subjects - all too much to fit and read in one reply...
I don't know what corporate revisionism they teach in American schools but Coca-Cola has fuck all to do with Christmas outside popularizing the appearance of Santa.

When there are next to no registers open, and the idiots who clog up the self-checkout lanes with their cartfuls of groceries taking their sweet ass time, not to mention no one to ask for help walking around like they're supposed to, it is a whole different experience.

I omitted this before, but I practically had to scream like someone who just got shot for someone to assist me before I got any sort of assistance.

I am very short; I cannot reach the higher fucking shelves, okay!?!?!?!?!?!??

Even when I wear high heels I am still unable to reach.

I hope that this clears up a few things.

Okay, maybe one thing. I am an Elementalist Pagan. Of all the different types of Paganism out there, we are a mega minority with very few followers throughout our long and enduring heritage, which just so happens to be one of the longest in human history, because we were mostly hidden from the world (and still are).

However, a deeper explanation on this deserves a topic discussion, which I may or may not start, depending on several factors.

I agree with ESBY on that statement. Yeah, I don't like Croaka-Cola either.
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
However, a deeper explanation on this deserves a topic discussion, which I may or may not start, depending on several factors.

Make sure to put it in the dead religion thread.
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