Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
RMN's Most Humblest!

Prayer of the Faithless
On the brink of the apocalypse, two friends struggle to find what is worth saving



Benny Plays: “Prayer of the Faithless” (Parts 1-16) (PARTS 13-16 ARE NEW!)

No worries! Thanks so much for taking the time to play it and give your thoughts. I really like your theorizing and thoughts on the game and story so far!

mia alacruz fanart

To expand on what I said on the blog post, I love Mia's expression, outfit, and general mood on this pic. Great work on this!

Prayer of the Faithless Final Trailer

lol I didn't think to put it on Twitter since it's the same trailer as what's on the Steam page. I'll make sure to do that!

Prayer of the Faithless Final Trailer

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

Release date is coming up soon. I'll post a blog about the exact date within the next few days or so. Gotta wrap up some internal stuff first.

Prayer of the Faithless Official Trailer

Aaah! Thanks so much, NS! :D

Prayer of the Faithless Official Trailer

Thanks! I was all over myself trying to figure out what to put in, and I'm pretty happy with the result.

Luxaren Allure Final Boss Form (The LONGEST Boss fight ever) (Normal Difficulty)

I guess I'm weird then, as I didn't find the final boss to be overly long at all. I was playing on Normal when I was testing it, and I felt the length was just fine. It felt just like a, well, FINAL boss to me, if that makes any sense.

It was the secret boss that took a long time, but at no point did it feel boring, since it never felt like a Press Space to Win fight.

Mia Chibi


It's funny, both you and Maki decided to draw Mia when given a choice. It really motivates me to work harder to get her character right!

Mia Chibi

Thanks so much for this! I love how she looks!

Maki art!!

These look great!
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