Someday, I would like to be a beta tester and reviewer for games the others have made here.



Morphos Metaphor: Dark Rebellion

will you ever bring the download link back up? i was curious to try this game but the link is dead :(

[RMMV] Plugins for changing faces during battle depending on conditions?

(Please delete/archive/remove this post if a question like this was answered and kindly direct me to a plugin like that, thank you in advance.)

I was wondering if there was a plugin made that makes your character's face change when doing actions such as attacking/using a skill, being at low health or taking damage. I know there was something like that in RPG Maker VX (I think) because of HetaHazard (time-stamped at a battle):

And if that doesn't exist, is there some plugin that changes your character's face based on how much health they have relative to their maximum? (I think of Craze's Teenage Costume Squad as the first example that pops up in my head).

Thank you in advance for whatever help you can provide.

Soul Buddy Fan art

Really cute and smart of you to break down the eldritch buddies into basic shapes! They're also distinct despite that, so don't look down on yourself, okay?

Unlockable Guests

If I may also place in my opinion, I would enjoy it if I saw these characters:

  • Final Fantasy: Sara(White Mage/Bard); Garland(Tank/Time Mage)

  • Final Fantasy II: Paul(Thief); Firion(Red Mage)

  • Final Fantasy V: Gilgamesh(Knight/Green Mage)

  • Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning(Spellblade); Serah(Ranger/Black Mage)

  • Final Fantasy XV: Cor(Samurai)

My suggestions are probably not ideal, and these job classes are just what I think fits them. I would enjoy to know what you think of each character and what job classes would better fit them. Adieu.

Kong: Stat Island

Part of me feels we should also have a TOP 10 GAME FINISHERS lol *hides*

That's true. So many games would be finished the moment this becomes an official TOP 10 XD

Final Fantasy Discovery

I'm glad to see the project is still going strong. It seems like the kind of game that can only be added to, and with you as the dev, I'm sure this will soar to great heights.

Back to Felix

Quite frankly, I love the work you did here and I think I can expect great things from Growling Garden. If I had to find any problem with this game, it's that I'm bothered by your spelling at times. I would complain about the movement speed, but that's why you put the taxis.


Damn, son. I'm laughing my butt off right now. I don't think the character portraits are terrible, but I'll be honest and say the lips are weird for me. I don't have any problems with it, though, so keep doing your best, guys!

April was a Fool

Adding in actual rpg components would have been a WAYYYY different breed of monster, so I don't really think it's fair to ask that of it, personally.
Yeah…you’re probably right. I don’t know if Renpy has the capability of doing something like that along those types of lines, as I’ve never used it before day, maybe, but it’s more of a “what if?” scenario to me more than a nitpick. Either way, meep.

I think it's actually possible for Renpy to have RPG components, if Winter Wolves' "Loren the Amazon" is something to go by. That said, I'm not implying it will be easy, just possible.


Nah... I just get another host to come take my place if I'm a bachelorette instead. Someone who knows what it takes to follow your heart and reach out to the people around you. Someone who looks super dapper in a suit and can make the ladies (and men) scream~

Guys, you're all wrong! This is...

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