Tear Harvester Rhyme
you saw my profile

now you have to add +10 to all your enemies' parameters.
Subterranean Starfield
~kawaii style dungeon crawler~



RMN Battledome! Round Two!

Battle Variant:


I planned more but they didn't make it because it was getting complex with the AI :<


...because it's not done :C


Yes... bugs ._. (sorry!)


1st issue:
Intentional! Loke's equipment isn't changeable despite the game telling you it's changeable. I was careless and forgot to disable it.

2nd issue: Noted!

3rd issue:
My current copy doesn't do that, but just in case, download this file and replace it in the Data folder.

[RGSS3] Bitmap Layering Problem

You can
a) Draw the rects before the face (This will result in the face on top of the black boxes though!)

b) Make another bitmap and blt the it to contents. (you might also want to draw the text on the said bitmap as opposed to contents too!)
  new_bitmap = Bitmap.new(contents.width, contents.height)

rect = Rect.new(dx+1, dy+1, dw - 2, line_height - 2)
color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, translucent_alpha/2)
new_bitmap.fill_rect(rect, color)
contents.blt(0, 0, new_bitmap, new_bitmap.rect)

not sure if this method will need you to dispose the new bitmap or not afterwards but, this is what I usually do!

c) Make a sprite layered above it and draw your transparent stuff there (not recommended unless you have something animating that would take a lot of resources to redraw per frame! for this instance, you probably don't want to do this)

VX Ace: Skill that ignores enemy evasion?

If you are using the translation, try setting Hit Type: Guaranteed Hit (after having 100% Hit rate)


You're paying MaxHp for Hp. 8D

Suggest-Me An-OST

Soma Bringer OST

Real Social Issues in Videogames

No. (P3/4 are mundane issues heightened to awkwardly dramatic extremes, so as to make "I can't cook" stretch for ten chapters. P4 is a terrible example of just about anything except all of Kanji's outfits being hot (and Kanji's "amigay?" storyline is pretty bad too, yes).)

:< I thought Death/Hierophant of P4 was interesting