Tear Harvester Rhyme
you saw my profile

now you have to add +10 to all your enemies' parameters.
Subterranean Starfield
~kawaii style dungeon crawler~



Valedictory Game Drive

College is eating all my time with all these new work. now I'm like can I make it =A=;;

I echo this statement.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Playing with Persona 3 like battle view, with Timeline (ATB) and Chronos (secret) mechanics.

Additional Details:
The RED part of the Timeline bar is due to the selected skill "Halt" which drastically lowers the target's Timeline. It's a forecast of the effect of the skill. The GREEN part of the bar refers to the Timeline cost of the current player's action: Halt will use up that much Timeline.
I'm not telling what Chronos is, find that out yourself!
Still debating as to add visual battlers or make enemies non-visual instead.
I didn't bother translating the database terms yet :<

happy birthday rcholbert, our new alien overlord!

Happy birthday :D

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

Artillery battle system

Wind is implemented, both horizontally and vertically, from a scale of -5 to 5! They affect acceleration, like most other artillery games.
There's also bonus damage if the projectile has higher velocity, (such as having a high angle shot to maximize downward deceleration), so yeah, still experimenting. (Damage is working, but i'm using print commands atm, and i'm not factoring defense yet since tanks don't exist!)

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

H-Hey! :< It's a decent program!

And balancing is a bit difficult atm