More like Misao Stealing Prince
Hi. I don't do very much but I certainly try.
Star Stealing Prince
Beyond the stars and under the flakes of fallen snow, a kingdom sleeps.



Snowe and Astra Fanart

It was one of my favorite images of Snowe and Astra in the original game and this fanart is super cute! Thank you so much for creating it!

it's a ~vintage~ poster

Very cute! Very vintage! :D

Isa Plays: Star Stealing Prince Parts 1-27 [All Endings]

♥ ♥ Awww, thank you! Don't forget to give the sequel a read if you want more, hehe (I only have 5 more chapters of the bad ending sequel to go and we'll have Erio and Astra back in the good ending sequel, yay!). Though it's not a game, but I hope you still enjoy it.

Thank you so much for the LP! *hugs*

Media Madness Month - Reniat Leminghouse Fanart

:O I wonder if it's because you uploaded the fanart! She approves!

Media Madness Month - Reniat Leminghouse Fanart

Adorable! :D Loving all the details you managed to get in. :P I was worried her design would be too detail intensive.

Very Beta Gameplay

Ooh, I like! I'm really looking forward to this even more now!

Pixie Battle

I love their bopping! *squishes the pixies*

Playthrough with Commentary

More media! I see dead people in the preview shots! I may have to watch you play through the final bosses. I like seeing how people do in those. XD

Playthrough with Commentary

Oh the new games can have the buzz! That's too flattering after being out for almost half a year now :P

Playthrough with Commentary

Oh gosh another media that spazzes out my computer with many youtube videos. :P Thanks for the LP! I'm sure there are a lot of people who will enjoy it. :)
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