

Do you know those guys who sometimes they want to try to complete the 100% of a game? Well, I'm one of those guys.

I dl games which appeal to me but because of waiting for some bug to be fixed or the next demo coming out, I find another to try which looks promising and I love to find bugs anyway. Then while waiting for some bug to be fixed or the next demo.....suddenly a pattern emerges and I have 30 or so games in some form of completion on my desktop, some having been set aside for months. They rend to pile up....wait look theres a game that looks promising.......

'Oops! Something went wrong, there is a good chance we know about it and are working on it!' is the most misleading statement on RMN.

Oops! Something went wrong, there is a good chance we know about it and are working on it!' is the most misleading statement on RMN.

THATS my favorite one! and....
I'll be putting up an update soon!
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