How do you edit your profile picture DX?!?


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1.-Put the mouse over (do not click) your username which is at the top of the site (no matther how much you scroll down or up or down, it will always be at the top at one side of the rmn logo)
2.-A lot of options may come out, one of those says "Edit Profile" with a icon man carrying a giant pencil, click that option.
3.-There you would see a lot of things like description and stuff, wich you already have one so I guess this looks familiar. Well, there is there is a space that says Avatar image, there you have to add the link of the image.
4.-you can look on google images and when you click on one, you click to see the whole image so it sends you to the image link were the only thing you can see is a picture on a white canvas. You can also click right click and click on the copy image url and paste it.
5.-Remeber that the size needs to be 150x150 or less otherwise it would not work.
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
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