

"I'm still alive" "He says he's still alive" "Well, he's dying!"

AI goodness

At least I follow a lot of people on Twitter who do and link to gdc talks so chances are that's indeed where it's from :)

AI goodness

Damn, this is the kind of technical stuff I'd love to just spend a couple of weeks reading. I should probably bookmark it just in case I ever do. Though it also looks familiar so maybe I've been linked it before and had the exact same thoughts.

it's kinda weird this site still exists right?

Not that it exists. But that it is still... moderately active.

Good softwares to import BGM?

I'm like 90% sure this is a spammer where the aim is to get another spam account to post a link to some shitty semi-related service.

Video Game Critic Wager 2023

All my games are between 70 and 80 -_-

Solid enough games but apparently not the kind of games where the reviewers go "ooh best ever" I wonder if it is because most of my games are mainly PC games and those critics are more critical because one of my highest earners is some fire emblem remake that I've never even heard of and just picked up because I had to fill some slots at one time...

CTRL Left key

At least in rm2k that only worked in "test play" not in the actual final executable. So I assume it's still the same, after all it's a useful key for test play sometimes.