

Les Visiteurs Dans L'Espace

Hey, I started out the game and in the first battle it quit saying I was lacking the file "Saint7".

The Quest of Dude III: The Omega Quest

I want someone to do a let's play of this so I can see what it's like.

Mario vs. The Moon Base

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A featured game is rendered unplayable WHILE IT'S FEATURED. This is worse even than Legendary Legend.


(That should teach you to make standalone games)
I can play it just fine?

But how many random passers-by you look at featured game and download and try to play it only to find it unplayable and discard it (well that was the old group of "unplayers"). Now there's also the group who reads the instructions and goes to the page linked and find it no longer exists and discard it (that's the new group or "unplayers"). It is the dedicated 5% that look through the comments on the gamepage or google what it's all about that might find an answer saying "yeah smbx was pulled". Then 10% of those will discard it. Eventually 4.5% of all new people interested in this game will find your post with a link to the engine and they will get to play the game.

It could have been 100% if the game had been standalone from the start. (Well let's be reasonable, 80%, there's always some people who download everything and then just forget about it and delete it without playing eventually)

Fortunately the month is over soon and we can all forget about this one.

I just have to say it again.

(As a side-note keeping the flash games up isn't really that surprising. Nintendo can't make some kind of complaint about the flash platform and going around telling every single flash Mario clone to shut down is too much even for them when here they had a clear creator of a software whose only purpose was to rip off Nintendo properties (thus, when it came to their attention it existed, weakening their trademarks))

Mario vs. The Moon Base

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A featured game is rendered unplayable WHILE IT'S FEATURED. This is worse even than Legendary Legend.


(That should teach you to make standalone games)

Hold the Line!

Yeah that flaw was in the older version to. Though in this new version even the early waves come pretty late. There's also a bug or something when you press escape multiple times the timer increases.

Hold the Line!

I downloaded the updated version of this. And I'm actually playing it as I write this. Which should say something. Though what it says is not actually entirely positive since before when I played it I actually had to keep an eye on what happened on the screen. Something in the difficulty was turned down for the updated version since in the old version I never got past about 30 waves but right now I'm on wave 40 and I don't even have to look at the screen.

Which does take away from the intenseness of the game.

Space Funeral

Space Funeral

Hey man. Space Funeral got a post on Rock, Paper, Shotgun!


After all your pimping I decided to try out your game. Maybe for reviewing. After a first play these are my initial impressions (I'm probably going to try it out some more later): It shouldn't be possible to die before the first save point unless you just stand there waiting for death.

I died. Maybe I'm a moron.

Götterdämmerung RPG

Actually the second guy I talked to was talking to the dad (? I can't even remember if it was a dad) again. Because I went straight to cabbage patch (of course I walked around trying to find the cabbage patch). I didn't actually talk to anyone on my way to that place because I had no interest whatsoever in talking to these guys. (yet. The thing is that in the beginning of the game I'm just not yet motivated to talk to everyone I see. And if some random person tells me to find a key the first thing I think is not "I should talk to everyone" the first thing I thought was actually "oh it's probably inside the house somewhere, I'll just use action against any place that seems key-obvious")

Basically I just think that you should introduce talking to people in some way that feels more natural. I might be an antisocial bastards but when I can't find my keys my first thought is not "I should go out to town and ask people if they've seen my key" instead I'll most likely search through my entire house thinking "where the fuck did I leave that key?"

So... where is the key btw? Perhaps it's only a minor glitch and the game seemed interesting enough that I might continue.
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