Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
"Solitayre is a robot sent from the future to kill us all."

"Captain Reviewer, saving the day, one review at time."

"Can I be your number one fangirl?"

"He's fantastic at everything."

Formerly Editor-in-Chief, Review Submission Manager, and Featured Staff Writer of RMN.

I live in Michigan and work in advertising. I like dogs.
Summer 2011 Contest Entry



Legacies of Dondoran Review

I actually liked this game well enough to play through it twice, but still agree with virtually everything Silviera said.

Deleting Content

The Edit Submission button is fabulous! Especially for me, because I am a clumsy oaf and make numerous typographical errors and other stupid things like inputting my e-mail address wrong.


The list is secret and arcane, no man may look upon it and comprehend.


This game is now on my list.


You should read them. Seriously, why aren't you reading them right now?

Legacies of Dondoran Review

If it seemed harsh it was only because I saw so much promise being squandered.

Popularity And The State Of This Community

Thanks Drakonais, expect a game with my name attached to it in the near future.

In the meantime I will continue to write reviews like a madman.

Popularity And The State Of This Community

On that note: does anyone know why the site isn't accepting reviews for A Blurred Line or some of Lysander's other games? I have plenty to say about those.
Are you getting some sort of error or something?

No, the option to "Review this game" simply isn't there for A Blurred Line or The Frozen World.

Popularity And The State Of This Community

Part of the reason nobody wants to leave feedback is that a very large percentage of RM folks respond to criticism with "STFU".

My own reviews here have drawn a little of that even from people who didn't make the game I'm reviewing. I have thicker skin than most, but if a new user comes along and offers some polite criticism and gets turds flung at him by the game's author and others I don't blame him if he never wants to review another game again.

I guess I've been lucky in that respect, most of the people whose games I have reviewed have been very receptive to my critiques. Its important to balance both good points and bad points in a review, even if you think a game is good there are always ways to improve and sometimes people just need them pointed out to them. And if you think a game is bad, focus more on what made the game bad and how the author could improve it. I've seen a few too many reviews that were only a few sentences long giving only a general overview on the game and saying nothing of substance.

On that note: does anyone know why the site isn't accepting reviews for A Blurred Line or some of Lysander's other games? I have plenty to say about those.

The Longing Ribbon Review

That's why I warned you about the battles. =P
There's a cheat code and a walkthrough included in the package if you grow tired of dying constantly.