They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Hi I do art mostly but also do games.

Please read my comic, Patchwork and Lace. It's about a Lovecraftian Disney Princess dark mage and her superpowered undead partner hunting monsters and being bad at communication.
Yume Wheeky
What do guinea pigs dream about? Probably not this, but just roll with it.


Character Design!

Let's talk character designs!

I'll start out with just some basic advice and links; we can turn this into a “show off and get critique” megathread if y'all are into that. I just want to help people with the junk I've learned doing design for various projects.

The very start- Brainstorming!

Before you ever draw a single stroke, you need to determine your character basics- not even the details like age, background, and the like, but things like “Who is this person in the story?” and “What themes am I going for with this character?” What character traits are the most important for them?

During this process, it's good to collect images that express these traits. The tutorial linked there mostly collected images of people; I tend to go for objects, clothing, and occasionally pictures with a particular palette.

The first steps- Silhouettes and posing!

Once you have a basic idea of who you're working with, it's time to start with the most basic element of character design: the silhouette. In a really well-designed ensemble, everyone will have a distinctly different sihouette. This can range from cartoonish and exaggerated to more understated.

Most likely, your first instinct is going to be to make your characters fairly average in body type, unless they're some kind of comic relief. Break out of this mindset! There's a stunning variety of shapes and sizes in humanity (to say nothing of what one gets when nonhumans are involved). This holds true with the athletic types you're probably working with if you're doing a video game: just check out these Olympic athletes!

Think about the character's body: is there a part or set of parts you want to emphasize? How can you convey their themes and mood with body shape? For example, a very strong, solid character might have a thicker, rectangular silhouette, bringing to mind a wall or boulder; an unpleasant and standoffish character might have a sharper and thinner shape, like spikes.

Would it be helpful to exaggerate a particular body part? Think about what associations we make with various parts- feet, hips, hands, shoulders, etc. You can use these to influence how your audience perceives each character. To continue with the two above examples, the stronger character might have exaggerated shoulders and legs- to give the impression they've got a really solid “base”- while the unpleasant one might have long, clawlike fingers and spidery limbs.

Yo here's a big ol' RAR file with all the stuff I use for really basic character design. It's got body types, faces, and a well-researched set of diagrams comparing the basic appearances of human ethnicities.

Once you have an idea what sort of body type you're using, it's time to think about poses.

A basic knowledge of body language is extremely good here, so you can quickly indicate traits like who's confident, who's open, who's shy, etc. Consider also how active your character is- do they use a lot of grand, sweeping gestures, or do they keep mostly still? Are they upright or slouchy?

Here's a really good video on character poses in general

One thing I like to do sometimes is to act out character movement, just to get a better idea of the feel and placement. This is especially good if you either pose in front of a mirror or have someone take a picture of you. (It may help that I tend to be kind of a hands-on learner and also have some training in martial arts and dance; IDK if anyone without those details would benefit as well.)

The icing- Costumes!

Obviously, the first thing you need to consider here is the setting. Modern, historical, futuristic? What kind of climate does the character inhabit? Are there any hazards they need to dress for? A character on the steppes or the prarie will have different dress needs from one in a jungle or a cave.

What is your character's occupation? A farmer's dress will be extremely different from a librarian's. Are there any tools of the trade they need to have on hand? Do they wear something to communicate their position? (A ruler's crown, a policeman's badge, a British judge's wig and robe, an executioner's hood.)

Do they need something that's easy to move around in, or are they comfortable with something that looks fancier but limits their movement? Do they wear a lot of accessories, or do they prefer simplicity?

Your character's costuming should accentuate their silhouette- paulrons or shoulder pads for a silhouette with wide shoulders; capes, flowing scarves, or long hair to accentuate a character who moves around a lot; a tall headdress or hairstyle to accentuate a tall character.

I do a lot of fantasy and historical design, and this is my favorite reference to use. I can't vouch for complete authenticity, but I like using it as a springboard for designing things from similar settings, or just to get a few ideas for basic garment styles.

That's about all I can think of at the moment; please feel free to ask any questions you may have (especially for clarification!) and/or link any tutorials you've found useful.

ITT we post random pictures from our image folders

This is not a thread to post your favorite picture, or a picture you think makes you look cool. This is where we will put up whatever the random number generator decrees, cool or stupid! (Unless it is illegal or against the board rules.)

-Follow board rules
-Use a random number thing to choose


Let's Talk PCs: Avatars, viewpoints, and customization

Been thinking about player characters in RPGs and the different forms they take. You got your (more or less) fully-rendered mains in JRPGs, with their own design and personality; you got your mostly-customizable avatars in WRPGs, with a level of wiggle room for roleplay purposes; and you've got the in-between blank slate characters, who aren't terribly customizable but don't have much definition in personality, so the player can kind of project onto them in gameplay.

What do y'all think of these different types of PC? Are there games where you think one or another type works better? Do you have a particular preference in playing? In developing? TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS.

Graphical Resources: What would y'all like to see?

So I realised I haven't been contributing a whole lot to The RPG Maker Community At Large (OTHER THAN HELPING WITH SOME KICKASS GAMES but that's not At Large) and I figure I oughta do something about that.

I could just jump in and do some things, but I like narrowing my options first. Thus, I come to you, RMN doodz: What sort of stuff do y'all feel is missing as far as graphical resources are concerned? If something sounds fun, I'll see about filling in that hole. :3

[CSS] What's the freakin label for the comment posts now?

Guys help I am not good with computers

I have tried
div #posts.frame div.message.even
#discussion div.message.even
div #frame

The comments stubbornly remain white as the driven snow. I do not understand what I must do!

Game length and maintaining player interest

So the Tagline Thread derailed a bit with this topic, which means it's an interesting discussion for devs.

So, game length.

Why do people feel like they need to make games longer than a full day?

Should most games even need to take more than a single afternoon?

What can devs do to better wrangle their scope creep?

In a similar vein, how do you maintain player interest in the starting levels? LockeZ put it p. well:
Starting out really boring is an overwhelmingly common problem in RPGs. Depressingly common. I'm surprised any time the beginning of an RPG is enjoyable. If your game takes two hours before you have options other than Attack/Defend/Potion, it's in good company with FF5, FF13, and Dragon Quest 4.

If a game is so bad that no one can bring themselves get past the first dungeon, it probably should get removed from the site, rather than just getting a low score. Problem solved.

(Position filled) Need music- 8bit/NES style

Anyone here experienced in composing with NES sounds? I'm in need of a couple of tracks- one with a really cute, happy feel; one that kind of matches the sound of this horrendous atrocity.

If you're interested, please post or PM me with your rates and any samples of your work.


Got someone!


General Art Tutorial/Advice Depot!

Here's a nice place to share all kinds of advice and how-tos for visual arts (that aren't necessarily pixels).

To start off with, here's a quick guide on how to deal with the problem of doing your lines on the sketch layer.

Also, something I feel like every artist needs to be reminded of: Successful Creative People Say "No."

[Poll] VDay theme: Good or Awesome?

Hi I like the pink shit.