Does anyone even use RMVX any more? I feel like all the scripting knowledge I've gained is irrelevant now.

  • Strak
  • 03/25/2022 01:26 AM


Pages: 1
VX was made obsolete by VX Ace, which feels like ten years ago now.
checks wikipedia
Oh my gosh, it is ten years old now ._.;;

Anyway, your wealth of knowledge isn't useless if you use it to make a game yourself.
People still make games with RPGmaker 95. There's nothing wrong with learning how to use a new engine, but if you want to use an older one, nobody's going to stop you.
Guardian of the Description Thread
While I've made a few VX games, I didn't delve into scripts until Ace. Besides, it's not like the knowledge is completely useless with the newer engines. Like, I've got a project in MZ, and a non-zero number of scripts I put into that project is derived from my Ace scripts to work with MZ.
Huh. I thought all the newer engines used JavaScript, not Ruby. I guess it's not that hard to pick up on another language, they all function pretty similarly.
Games are still released with VX, too...
Bloodstained Hands (well, just saw it's yours... I'm leaving)
Rusty Soul
Which is not so surprising considering that some people would rather continue their game (often long projects) in an engine they know well. And also, though VX is not popular (can't hide it), it's probably one of the most straight (it's got the basic features, and even a little less) and a good engine to learn scripting (so much to do...).
As for the scripting knowledge in itself, it's not useless considering it probably got you some skills in ruby (rgss is not ruby but uses it as a base, if I'm not mistaken), and you should probably be able to switch really easily from vx to xp or ace (maybe easier for the latest due to improvements?) since they all use the rgss as a base (differences would probably reside in vocabulary and some minor changes). And as said Marrend, you can probably use this knowledge for other languages too.

To be totally honest, I didn't think someone would release an ambitious game in VX nowadays. Probably we will see other finished long vx games in the next years? After all, you must not have been the only one to stick to vx for their project (guess there is a difference with the way elements are handled in vx, that ace doesn't have).
Guardian of the Description Thread
Huh. I thought all the newer engines used JavaScript, not Ruby. I guess it's not that hard to pick up on another language, they all function pretty similarly.

I mean, even if the languages have differences, certain concepts remain pretty much the same across the engines. So, like, if a function exists in Ace in the context of the Game_BattlerBase class, there's a pretty good chance a similar function exists in MV/MZ as well. The number of differences between my Ace teleport script and my MZ plug-in (that basically does the same thing) was a matter of changing some references to the Java syntax, and references to objects that existed in Ace and also in MZ.

*Edit: Though, the biggest difference between the Ace implementation and the MZ one is a function of the author being a little smarter. With MZ, I attached the teleport variables/functions to the $gameParty object, whereas in Ace, it had it's own object, and needed some finagling in the DataManager class for that data to be saved.
Okay genuinely, I love working with RMVX and it's scripts. I've gotten to know them like the back of my hand, to the point where I just like experimenting and seeing what I can accomplish. Just today, I found a way to make an item that can apply poison to an allies weapon so that their basic attacks and physical skills inflict a poison status ailment for a variable number of turns based on the quality of the toxin, and the characters name will be displayed with green text while their weapons are poisoned. Kind of like Oblivion and Skyrim. I remember asking someone for help with that about ten years ago and was never able to figure it out, but now that I've worked with this system for 10 years I was able to do it myself. I'm kind of nervous that jumping into a new maker will leave me back at square one, since it won't just be an unfamiliar language, but an unfamiliar system with a different set of base scripts. Meanwhile, I'm learning how to stretch RMVX to do things that I previously thought were impossible.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
I still use VX Ace for basically everything. RGSS2 is pretty close to RGSS3 so the jump was easy.
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