

Focus (not the kind that turns you into C'ieth)

Is there going to be a problem with trying to keep people underleveled for max stat gains with focus, kinda like with the esper leveling in FF6? Or are they available from the getgo

The Great Purge ~ engine changes

Can I just say how refreshing it is to see a female avatar with some realistic breast sizes? >.> They look great!

Anyways, good news on the move to Ace

Final Fantasy Discovery has official artwork!

I don't care if Parker is male or female. I'd hit that <3

The Dragon's Neck Coliseum

Are certain very 'lucky' things also crowdpleasing? Like dodges/immunes/reflects/criticals?

Hurricane Sandy

Hey be safe, and take care.

Chapter 5 complete.

You are the lord of deer? Bambi God?

Release Notes: v.10

Videos would be cool :o
There's a bed you can rest on after completing the upper part of the building. Also, you can buy healing items after the cutscene with the shopkeeper, but before leaving the store.

(In retrospect, that may be too easily-missable...)
Yeah, I missed the bed/shop keeper completely x(

It's quite hard to miss the bed, since it's got a glowy thing to show it can be interacted with. You reach it after
you go through the timed mechanism door and go downstairs
. Maybe it would be more obvious if a tutorial message indicated that you can rest here.

I actually restarted on my first playthrough because I found the beginning house/area waaaaay too hard without a means of recovery, but after I realised there was a bed right after, I just rushed through avoiding almost all combat until I got to the bed.

My suggestions are:

1) Start us off with a few more recovery items
2) Put the bed or the shopkeeper in the top floor of the first house
3) Make it so defend heals a bit of HP/FP

Some Quick Balancing Updates

Whoa what? Do stop and freeze not run out over time? That's certainly different :P I hope it's challenging in a fun way~

Next release almost ready

Depends how hopeful the hopefully is, but I'll play it regardless of what version you call it ;)

I keep sleeping in until 11:00

the tooth hurts

You can't handle the Tooth!!
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