


if 1.8 is the last patch you plan is there gonna be a run button system liked wilds arms in this patch or not and thanks for your post a month ago it helped me a lot , i forgot to reply .

Well it is indeed true that I planned that, (the code is still in the game) but as soon as I used the system in the game a lot of bugs appeared, like events not starting and other errors. So I decided not to implement it in the game, because I don't know what more bug it will make.

The game is now pretty much bug free, except some known bugs but those will be hopefully solved also. For now patch 1.8 will be the last. Unless a major balance issue or bug is found.


This weekend patch 1.8 will come out, this patch changes some slight balancing things and some improvements like a reduction in the encounter rate and some faster text speed. A list of the final changes will come some later.


Since I'm a week on vacation (13 august till 21) I cannot react on comments, of course I will react after the vacation.


I encountered a problem , yesterday I had to do a system restore to regain acess to some files I have lost ( A system restore is where you restore your computer automatically to a set date to regain some important files but in cost you could lose some files in the process ) anyways it seems i lost my files patches to final tear 3 and my final tear 3 game became corrupted , so I reinstalled your game and now it's in version 1.0 and i also download patch 1.7 but it's isnt allowing me to reinstall patch 1.7 at all , it says '' this file cannot update the installed version of path 1.7B because of the following reason :
c:/Program Files/Stevie v.d. Laar productions/Final Tear 3/Map1466.Imu unknown version ''
I also tried the first 1.7 patch and 1.7D but neither one worked at all , so i thought maybe i should start downloading the patchs from 1.1 to 1.7D again but the previous patches are not download-able is there any soultion to my problem , thanks for reading
EDIT - I cannot download your previous patches from your site final tear 3 or forums either , I recently tried but it redirected me to

Try to delete the whole folder of the game (first move the save game somewhere else) then install the game and the font patch again and install these 2 patches.

it should work by then

Final Tear 1

Ok the patch is out

Changes Final Tear 1 polished the further polishing patch.
Because I was not 100% done with polishing the game and found some small bugs on the way I decided to make a patch for this.

• Removed the bug that the Orge sometimes does extreme damage.
• All psychical skills now only are influenced by strength and magic only by magic stats.
• Doubled mp cost power up
• Reduced magic cost of almost all black magic spells
• Added the spell focus
• Gave Ashley the spell focus
• Balanced EXP pay-out trough the game
• Put some npc's in the ice village.
• Increased chance critical rate to enemies with 50% on normal attacks.
• Removed the bug that the boss music keeps playing after going to the past and defeating the Ifrit.
• Fire, Ice and thunder mp cost reduced from 6 MP to 5 MP water 9 mp to 8
• All black magic spells are not influenced by attack anymore.
• Increased magic stat effectiveness on spells a lot.
• Changed the teleporter in Basker in to a touch event.
• Balanced the encounter rates in the game
And a lot of more small things that are too much to list :D

Final Tear 1

just found a bug, in the cave after beating duke's dad, i get to a staricase but nothing happpens when I step on it, so i'm unable to proceed.

Yeah you need to press on it but you are already further now. Anyway, the patch will come out within 30 min :D


I like the way you designed this map. I dunno why but I do :P


I love that area, it's my most favorite area in the game because it's hella beautiful.
In fact you go through it to get to the mainland simply because of how beautiful I think it looks I thought you needed to see it atleast twice.

Anytime I'm mapping something and it's not going the way I want it to I just go back and look at the Trade Route's mapping.

Nice mapping there. but keep in mind that good graphics are the least important to make a good game.

Final Tear 1

Today or tomorrow a patch comes out that further polish the game. Also I found some slight bugs like that boss music keeps playing after the second ifrit and other things.

The list will be posted when its ready.

Final Tear 1

I didn't hear it in-game, I was just browsing the folders.

He he ok.

Well I choose to leave the wav files in original state. Because I didn't want them to be bigger than the game itself. ^^

Its also too bad that 2000 does not support mp3 which it should.