WHOA wow wow. two tails? that is a sexy idea...
dilly dally shilly shally



super long mega friendship post

think of the charsets.

super long mega friendship post

kentona owns a website but cannot use amazon. thoughts?

super long mega friendship post

tell yo friends tell yo wife.

no seriously dude, if you know wip, show him that. i know that dude has an endless wallet.

super long mega friendship post

tell yo friends tell yo wife.

no seriously dude, if you know wip, show him that. i know that dude has an endless wallet.

Valera featured in RM VX Ace trailer

lol man. how cool would it look like if it was just, all unique content. i dont mean anything about your game personally, i just thought that the whole time while watching it.

do you get anything from having your game in this btw? or is it just "whew i got in a video game trailer for other people to make a ton of money with. i'm relieved"

cool trailer from a design perspective though. or whoever edited it.

-tries to make rtp as cool as possible-

ps: it's kind of funny dude, like, you can't tell there are 5 different games. it looks like just, one long game, w various scenes.

9/24 - 10/5 Progress Report

Just had a very emotional experience.

this game is really bad btw.

More NEW Abilities

listen to me talk about vidja games!

please god let my computer handle better quality vidcons

So long, and thanks for all the fish...