Hey everybody. My name is Tamryn and I came to this site by accident. I love RPGS in general especially Dragon Quest! I'm into modeling and playing sports but I still eat like a fatty:D I'm no good with this site right now but hopefully I get better. Life is good when it wants to be.



Dragon Quest +: Battle System Shift

Seems cool I hope you're able to do it Ljink. Any plans on a demo?

Chance to appear as a cameo character!

You got it! Is Squiz the Kingsquid monster or is it Hoodsquid?



I liked that monster.
I would like for me to have
Name: Tamryn
Monster Team: Green Dragon, Sky Dragon, SlimeDrak
Spells: Firevolt specifically

Dragon Questionnaire II

Gave my thoughts on DD as well.

1.) Yes, that would be awesome!

2.)Love the menu system from DQ3 and up.


4.)Think it's from DQ6's slime mini game like Jamiras said.

5.)YES, I mean look at these screenshots!

Got a bit carried away there...

6.)I actually prefer 3 save files.

7.)Not really

8.)Don't care, as long as it's beneficial.

9.)Grind my butt off. I get gold and exp.

10.)Slime race is fun. I'm all for it.
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