I'm an Italian Rpgmaker2003 user (since 2002).
I like to draw (testament77.deviantart.com), I like to collect console's videogames, I watch anime, expecially super robot ones, and I like rpgmaker.

I'm here to share my projects and to see yours.

Keep up the good work, everyone!
Pocket Quest!
When JRPG meets Board Games: A prince in distress, an heroine to the rescue!



RMN 2023 promo "Make games, feel awesome"


I've it pratically in loop XD


So much amazing details :O

The Block v1.1

Thanks! Really appreciated your gameplay and commentary XD.

The Block Review

Then I really don't know what went wrong with some players. RPGMaker misteries...

The Block Review

Ti ringrazio molto (in ritardo, sorry). Mi rendo conto che questo genere di giochi, soprattutto se non divertenti come Warioware, non siano per tutti. Del resto vengo da un'epoca in cui Track'n'field spopolava in sala e le bestemmie e i polsi che ci ho lasciato li so solo io. Bestemmie che ho attirato al mio indirizzo in particolare col minigioco della pressione di Z come se non ci fosse un domani, ma per tutto c'è un motivo e il gioco più "difficile" l'ho attribuito alla giornata in cui sei fuori con gli amici, che rende praticamente impossibile pensare concretamente a un progetto.
Anche tu vedo hai avuto problemi col ritmo centrale, e davvero non so spiegarmi perché, tutti quelli che l'hanno provato, e io stesso nei 100mila test che ho fatto, non hanno avuto problemi, se non per mancanza di abilità (cosa che non voglio insinuare), ma RPGMaker2003 si comporta stranamente a seconda del PC e i giochi "action" non sempre rispondono a modo.

Thank you very much (late, sorry). I realize that these kinds of games, especially if they aren't as fun as Warioware, aren't for everyone. After all, I come from an era in which Track'n'Field was a thing at the arcade and only I know the curses and the wrists that I have left there. Curses that I attracted to my address in particular with the mini-game of pressing Z as if there were no tomorrow, but for everything there is a reason and the most "difficult" game I attributed to the day when you are out with the friends, which makes it practically impossible to actually think about a project.
I see you too have had problems with the central rhythm, and I really can't explain why, all those who have tried it, and myself in the 100,000 tests I've done, have had no problems, except for lack skill (which I don't mean to insinuate), but RPGMaker2003 behaves strangely depending on PC and "action" games don't always respond well.

The Block Review

Thank you, I really appreciate.
I still can't replicate the "last day bug". Me, betatesters and friends have no problem with che rithm bar part... someone suggested maybe a delay problem, CPU too powerful (it's a con with rpgmaker 2003) or... gremlins. Still it's strange, if you can play it on day 2, you must be able to play it in day 7. I'll live with this doubt unanswered...

The Block

Yeah. It works right on the second day. It's one of the few mini-games I actually managed to reach 20% on.

It's really strange, 'cause on the 7th day the programming of that minigame it's exactly the same, and there are only 3 variables involved, so it's easy for me to verify.

I can't replicate the bug, I've tried many times altering the sequence of minigames to see if some of them "disturb" the initialization, but nothing happened...

I'm very sorry about it :(

I'll investigate further, meanwhile let's see if someone else experience the same bug.

Do you like the game, apart from this bug?

The Block

Jeez, the second day mini-game doesn't work correctly on the final day.

Mmmh thank you, I'll investigate...
On the second day does it work correctly?

Karma Flow 2 - Tears of a Ghost


Call it a hunch, but I think I've got a pretty good idea who the culprits are.