I have a fairy in a cage next to my computer. I feed it peanuts and Diet Dr Pepper. When I want ideas, I beat it with a wooden paddle.

I pretty much only do music for games now. I have good ideas for story or gameplay every now and then, but I'm not good enough to make it happen. If you see me as the developer of a group game, you can rest assured that I'm doing the music and really just acting as a sounding board for the other developers.


Can someone lend me a hand with 2k3 battle sprites?

So, something that has been really really holding me back is getting battle sprites that look exactly the same as the characters do in the overhead view (think FF6, when you're walking around and when you're in battle, your characters are the same) as opposed to 2k3's RTP (the battle sprites are super detailed and don't look like the overhead view).

I know I could just edit sprites that I want to fit, but I'm really awful at graphics so I'm not going to bother attempting that. So basically what I'm trying to say in a super roundabout way is....

Does anyone have a COMBINATION of sprites and battle sprites that go together? I can usually either find a good sprite I like or a good battle sprite I like but never the combination of the two. :(

Anyone care to toss some on here? Or you can email them to me at "TheDigitalMonk -at-"

Also, if you have weapon graphics that go with it, that's cool too but totally not necessary.

And i still don't really know the etiquette of this forum so if I pissed someone off for making a request, sry? Have an awesome day everyone.

What midi or Mp3 program should I use?

I'm a very experienced musician, but I haven't done very much work with midis or mp3s on the computer. I was going to take a class this semester, but it's not being offered right now, so I'll have to wait until next semester to actually take the class.... but anyway, what program(s) do you guys use? I used to use anvil studios, but it was a little too limited for me and writing in triplets was more or less impossible.

Resource Packs?

Hey, just wondering if anyone has a "pack" of resources that they could toss my way... I've always wanted to have a "cohesive" look to my games, but I just haven't been able to get all the right resources. But I'm sure there are people here that have hordes and hordes of everything under the sun. Chipmunk already tossed some Theodore chips my way, but I want as much as I can get!

You can email me at and I'll take any chipsets and charsets in a cohesive style!

THX a ton, I really really do appreciate it.

Your Top 5

Top 5 Favorite Games of All Time
In order.

Not your top 10, or "some of your favorites," but strictly a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ranking. It's hard to do, we know, but do your best and don't read too much into it. You won't "offend" some of your favorites that don't make the cut. Everyone has a bunch of games they like, but please limit your list to 5 and only 5, ranked in order.

5. Rome: Total War

4. Zelda: Ocarina of Time

3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

2. Final Fantasy X

1. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

"Proper" way to review?

Is there some proper way to review games, like a standardized rubric, or are we free to review games however we wish?

If anyone wants some help...

If anyone wants some help with their Rm2k/3 game, I'm willing to test play it and give you some thoughtful feedback that may be very helpful, as well as help you fix some of the things that could be better. My strengths lie mostly in writing and event programming.

My AIM is Kefka325, but be sure to post in this topic too.

What Time Zone?

I get the feeling like the majority of the people on this forum are not from the Americas because my "times" are so messed up. What time zone (generally speaking) is the standard for this site?

How do I get my games to look Pwn-Sauce McGee?

So here's my dilema.... I have some really good ideas for story and such cooking up in this brain of mine, and I have no worries that I can write, tell, and design a cool game. The only problem is that I have absolutely no idea how to get my games looking as awesome as this...

Pwn-sauce McGee aesthetics:

Since I've been gone from the RPGMaking world for so long, the standard for a game's aesthetic appeal has simply skyrocketed, and not to be emo or anything, I'm feeling a little lost. I know that a lot of picture files are involved, but I have no idea how to make them. I have photoshop though and have a basic understanding of how it works (I'm "good" at photoshop in real life and "bad" at it in internet world if that gives you an idea of my level). Also, about how much of the above game's chipsets and charsets are custom made? And if they are not custom made, how do you get a unified look from map to map? And if they are not custom, is there a super-secret resource pool that has pretty graphics to chose from? I know I shouldn't do this, but I'm tempted to just go download good looking games and stealing their chipsets/charsets.

Is this possible?!

I... don't believe it... there's still an RPGMaking community still on the internet! I'm so happy!!

SO, about me real quick. I used to RPGMake like a madman about 6 years ago, but after this and that, time went on and the RPGMaker community seemed to dry up. I hung out around if any of you remember that place, and I got my game released, "Birds of Freedom" which has good and bad about it. It's not particularly innovative but it's actually pretty fun to play. I'm my toughest critic though, so I could make pages of criticisms of my own work, but there's no need for that.

Long story short, after RMXP came out, I sort of drifted from the community since I really hated the new versions past RM2K and RM2K3. I've been looking around for a new place to hang out though that uses rm2k and I was told to come here!

So that's me. My current project is to add a zelda-style action battle system (which I have made an uncountable number of in my years) to one of my favorite RPGs of all time, Dark Skies:
I'm also hoping to continue the story past where the (very long) demo ends, as well as clean up some of the maps and grammar.
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