


Hi! I found your game while scouring for some new stuff to play. I thought it was beautiful and hope you guys will continue development on it - as much as I liked Henrietta, I would really like to see what's past her :P

The puzzles weren't that difficult once you remembered to go through all of the options on each object. But ultimately they made a lot of sense and were really funnily written. I've also made a playthrough of your very pretty game, so hopefully it'll drive more people here to badger you into continuing development :P


I loved this little game - for me it was quite my first experience with rpg maker horror games so I decided to do a Let's Play of it.
The puzzles were quite intuitive it just needs a bit more lovin on the story side.

For anyone that's interested, check out the let's play here and thanks to the developers for making the game ;) >>

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