"It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey...stuff."
Sidhe Quest
When everything goes wrong, it's up to our heroes to go and do a bunch of other stuff!


[Poll] Would you sell your parents on RMN?

If RMN were to incorporate a third-party e-commerce shop to sell parents (sold in Africa or other legally obtainable countries) (or other kinds of family member owned by members of our community, but primarily parents), would you sell your parents on it?

Like I mentioned before, RMN would never directly host an e-slavery system - I don't have the lawyers, support staff, merchant services or any of the other half-dozen things to run a successful e-slavery site. But I could incorporate a third-party store to do that.

To my (limited) knowledge, there aren't that many places willing to sell parents (Walmart maybe? But they are more about their own slaves than general parent slaves).

Anywho, this is all hypothetical right now. I just want some feedback on this idea.

You know you're a Final Fantasy fan when...

1. Someone says "whelk" and you automatically shudder.
2. At least one boy in every generation of your family has been named Cid.
3. When asked for "job" in an application form, you put "Thief" or "Black Mage".
4. You can identify which game a piece of music is from just by listening to it.
5. You understand that anything can be used as a weapon. ANYTHING. Frying pans, enormous heavy swords, umbrellas, guns, swordguns...physics, setting and rationality be damned.
6. You beat The Famed Mimic Gogo by actually depleting his HP rather than waiting.
7. You're in a band called "Warriors of Light".
8. You refer to yellow birds of any description (or blue birds, or purple birds, or red birds, or green birds, or black birds) as chocobos.
9. You actually got the King of Jump Rope.
10. Your phone's ringtone is the victory theme.

Feel free to expand the list!

[Poll] Xbox One or PS4? Which one will you be buying?

So the gloves are off and both Microsoft and Sony have now unveiled their 8th-gen consoles. The question is, which one's got your vote, if any? Do you think the all-in-one entertainment centre goal of the Xbox One will work as intended, or will Sony take the lead with their offering?

Trihan's official support topic of all things RM

In an effort to make it easier for people to get the help they need and make sure their posts are seen by at least one person (me) I thought I'd post this as an open invitation to the community to "ask me anything!"

I've been around the block a bit in rm2k, 2k3, XP, VX and VX Ace, and am well-versed in eventing, event workarounds, tips, tricks, and RGSS/RGSS2/RGSS3, so more or less anything you need to do I can help with if it's possible.

Not that I know everything, mind you, but even if I can't help I'm sure someone else will step in.

So if anyone has a question or something they can't quite figure out, ask away! I'll check this topic daily assuming anyone has a use for it. ^_^

Crap suggestion that probably isn't even possible but would be cool - support MS

So I was just plugging away in the help forum, minding my own business, and after helping Xenomic in one of his topics I glanced at my MakerScore and a thought popped into my head, which is probably ridiculous but I figured I'd share it with you guys anyway:

Would it be at all possible to implement some kind of makerscore reward for when someone answers your questions in a forum topic? Like say I posted a topic asking how to do X, and someone posts and gives me the answer I was looking for, and I wanted to give that person a little something for helping me out. Even if it were just like 5MS or something, I think it would be cool for people to have the option of giving people who take the time to help them a tangible (if not mostly irrelevant) reward.

This is potentially a biased and selfish request since I pretty much live in the help forum but feel free to offer your thoughts. Hopefully I'm not alone in thinking this would be cool, and even if I am it might give someone an idea for an alternative that would work better.

Need a new game to play; make it happen, people!

Okay, I'm starting to get the RM bug again but nothing I'm playing lately has that special something I'm looking for. I basically want a complete game with fun gameplay and an interesting battle system. I'm not incredibly bothered about storyline as long as it isn't ridiculous or boring. All suggestions welcome. I'd prefer RMXP onwards but I won't turn down a 2k or 2k3 game if it's good enough.

[VX] Captions on confirmation windows (before I go reinventing the wheel)

So for the commission I'm currently working on, I have a shop scene with a confirmation window when you're buying the items in question. However, never have I seen a facility for actual captions on confirm windows (which are usually just instances of Window_Command) for example: "Do you want to buy the X?" then selectable "Yes", "No" options. Obviously the inherent difficulty lies in the fact that Window_Command is intended only for the actual commands, and no support has been implemented for anything that isn't selectable to be part of the window.

Now although I haven't tried it myself yet, I'm 99% sure I can edit Window_Command to support this, but before I go experimenting with code that might not work I was just wondering if anyone already knows of a script that does this? No point reinventing the wheel if someone's already realised they're better off round.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can point me in the direction of such a script.

So I just noticed something interesting about encounter rate in VX Ace.

This is probably already common knowledge, but I was stepping through the update code for the maps on VXA (because I neededed to know exactly how battles are triggered for something I'm working on) when I came across this:

# * Update Encounter
def update_encounter
return if $TEST &&
return if $game_party.encounter_none?
return if in_airship?
return if @move_route_forcing
@encounter_count -= encounter_progress_value
# * Get Encounter Progress Value
def encounter_progress_value
value = $game_map.bush?(@x, @y) ? 2 : 1
value *= 0.5 if $game_party.encounter_half?
value *= 0.5 if in_ship?

This is interesting for two reasons I didn't realise until now. First is that the number of steps required for a battle is actually predetermined as soon as you've triggered the previous one; it isn't checked on a per-step basis like I thought. Second is that any tile you've set as a "bush" will actually trigger battles twice as fast as non-bushes, which I also didn't know.

Just in case it's any help or relevant to anyone, here's the way encounters work by default:

The initial value of the "encounter" variable is rand(steps) + rand(steps) + 1, where steps is the value set on the map. So if you have your map set for encounters every 30 steps on average, the actual value will be between 1 and 59.

For every step you take, the value will reduce by 2 if you're on a bush or 1 if you're not. If the encounter rate has been halved or you're on a ship, the reduction will be 1/0.5. If the encounter rate is halved AND you're on a ship, the reduction will be 0.5/0.25.

When the value is 0, a battle triggers and the encounter variable is reset.

Does anyone else find this interesting or am I just now discovering stuff that everyone already knew? :P

Edit: Just as a final note, the way encounter steps are calculated would actually make it ridiculously easy to make an encounter proximity display like in Etrian Odyssey.

The Tumultuous Topic of Tundra Tidbits to Tear at

Okay, now that we've got the obligatory alliteration out of the way, I can get to the point: as some of the community knows (and most probably don't) I've been working on my game for 12 years. Yeah, you heard that right. I started my game in goddamn two thousand and one.

Tundra is now and has always been a labour of love, emphasis on the labour. The fact of the matter is that I'm really good at starting things and utterly suck at following through with them.

This topic is essentially going to be a repository for my system concepts and ideas, all the stuff I've thought of over the years and went "hey, that would be cool."

Why am I doing this? Well my girlfriend and I just started working on the game again after I was explaining some of my ideas and plot points to her, and she's really excited about it. This is a girl who has no love for RPGs whatsoever, so if she's excited I think I'm onto a winner, and I'd like some feedback on stuff I'm planning on putting into it. So without further ado, let's get started! (Please note that these are still just concepts. I don't think I'll be able to put everything into one game, much as I'd like to, and I'm aware that there is such a thing as too many features)

Your game, the way you want to play it

Something I've seen a lot, particularly in reviews, is players occasionally scoring lower than they otherwise would have because of a specific part of the game that wasn't quite as fun/entertaining/accessible as it could have been. I've always been interested in solutions to this, and I've seen some games that skirt on an elegant way of dealing with it, but I want to take it to a new level by making the game experience customisable.

What do I mean by this? Well basically, if you don't like battles you can turn the battle system off. If you think the encounter rate is too high, make it lower. Too low? Make it higher. Puzzle too hard? Disable puzzles. At the end of the day I'm making a game to tell a story; the systems and features are garnish. If you don't like a feature, I'd rather you turn it off and continue to experience the story than give up on my game. If anyone else has done customisation on this scale please let me know how it worked out for you. Either way feel free to offer your thoughts.

NPCs that live

Too often an NPC in a game is a coloured brick that repeats the same message ad nauseum every time you press enter next to it. It might as well be a signpost with legs. Sometimes NPCs change their dialogue after major story events, but this can sometimes backfire when you forget to update them and they're still talking about their town being destroyed after it's been rebuilt. Even commercial RPGs tend not to put a huge amount of effort into their NPCs.

What I want (if it's even possible; I've done some tests in the past that suggest it is, but it would be a ton of work) is for my NPCs to almost be PCs in their own right. I want them to have names, backstories, movement patterns, schedules, conflicts, arguments, relationships...blah blah blah etc. etc.

In practice this would still obviously need to be scripted, but I've always wanted my world to actually feel like it's alive, down to the random insignificant people who populate it.

Probably a huge pipe dream because if it could be done someone would likely have done it already, but the good thing about concepts is I don't have to be bound by reality. :) Thoughts and comments welcome.

Battles you have to think about

A few people have already heard about my battle system concept, so I'll keep this one short and sweet. Essentially it's like Vagrant Story in a turn-based environment. Enemies will have targetable "parts" dependent on their species (so humanoids will have a head, torso, two arms and two legs, spiders will have a body and eight legs etc), which have a percentage of the enemy's base HP and are tied to one or more statistics/abilities. When a part is damaged linked stats will decrease, and if "killed" the enemy will lose the linked abilities (playing with the idea of having killed parts auto-revive after X turns to keep it interesting)

This opens up a number of interesting possibilities, like a warrior enemy who deals devastating physical attacks, so you should focus on his arms to reduce his damage output and then take him down. Note that whatever part you attack the base HP still goes down so it's never a waste of a turn to go after a particular part. I'm currently working on a StarCraft-esque "wireframe" overlay to show body parts and their status.

This is probably the most ambitious system I've ever devised and also ironically enough the one I've made the most progress with, but criticism, comments and suggestions are as always welcome.

A magic system that puts you in control

Tying in with my "the player makes the game, I provide the story" ethos, the two magic users in my game won't have a static list of spells they can learn. Rather, they will have a number of slots (which increases as they level) into which the player can assign their own spells using runes (which has a logical in-game explanation as well) which determine the effect of the spell, how powerful it is, and how much MP it costs. So you can have a huge array of really powerful spells that'll drain your MP in a couple of turns, or a variety of small and useful utility spells, or a mixture. It's really up to you.

At the moment, the plan is for there to be a rune assignment for targeting (one enemy, all enemies etc), element (fire, ice, etc), damage (light, medium, heavy), and additional effect (could be anything from a damage multiplier to inflicting a status ailment). Not only will the spells have their costs determined by the combination of runes, but I'll use a clever little system of affixes and suffixes I came up with to give them all their own names too, which will hopefully keep things fresh.

And again in tandem with my goal of giving the player more control, you can opt to just have your spells decided for you instead of using the crafting system.


That's about all I can think of that I wanted to share so far. Maybe I've been wasting my time for over a decade and these are all the worst ideas ever. Maybe I'll inspire you with an idea for your own game. Maybe I'll revolutionise the RPG genre. Either way, I'm glad I had this opportunity to share my thoughts with you and hope it will foster some constructive conversation. Have at it!

[RMVX] Change text colour mid-sentence without drawing each character separately?

For the most part I'm pretty good with RGSS (I'm getting paid for it so I must be doing something right) but I've hit upon a slight snag with one of the scripts I'm working on that I'm not sure how to tackle.

There's a window in my scene that has a string of text, but I need part of it (which is variable) to appear in a different colour from the rest. I considered separating the two parts and drawing them separately but then the positioning goes off when the variable value changes.

Anyone know if there's a way to change text colour mid-sentence within the same draw call?