Final Fantasy Discovery
A faithful recreation of popular Final Fantasy systems blended into a single game.



Fan Masters Part 1- Final Fantasy

I opted to stay away from Final Fantasy with my fan game, and instead I am going with Phantasy Star....
For me, the biggest problem in making a fan game IS the fans.
They tend to be very bitchy about things.. as if THEY are making the game.
Then their is the nitpicking about things, which usually has to do with the same thing.. they rather see it done a certain way as if it was THEIR game.
What's funny, is if you do ask the community to get involved.. it does NOT go well... not in my experience anyhow.

This community has been very, very helpful to me in developing Discovery, actually.

Fan Masters Part 1- Final Fantasy

This was a cool thing to do. Looking forward to more entries!

Elemental Shifting Bosses

Incredibly useful and easy to understand. I have a boss or two set up with some special stuff like this as well.

Double tap to dash

Have you accounted for dashing into a "Move Event?" It is known to cause problems. Usually, you would use a switch to turn the entire dashing system on and off, and turn it off at the beginning of any move event that affects the player's character.

Even with that, if you somehow got the timing of the dash to end at the moment you hit the move event, you may end up retaining the dash speed while walking.

I haven't tested yours out, but I've tested simpler ones out before that didn't account for this. Just a heads up.

Improving Your Title Screen

Excellent article. Very helpful and easy to understand.

This week in blogs, week #11 2011

I believe a record low 2 pages of blogposts this week. I attribute this fully to the fact that both WCouillard and WolfCoder have been busy with other things this week.

Indeed. While we're all scrambling on adding things to the battle system, I have also been distracted here and there by Homefront (multiplayer in this game is REALLY fun).

This week in blogs, week #9

RMN needs it's own "like" button.

This week in blogs Week #7 2011

"The most active blog over the week would be Breath of Fire II: The Fated Child (XP) blog."

::raises flame shield::

I like this article. Thanks for taking the time to keep everyone updated on game blogs. This is a good idea.

Easy Running System

Because timed movements can be disrupted if the player has control while they're executing. It can hang the game along with other unwanted effects.


I completely agree with this tutorial. I find it very important to make NPCs say things that are important or relevant, and not spout off drivel like "Welcome to Town!" or "I like cookies! Yay!" I don't get why people bother making the event if it's useless, but they won't take that same three seconds to create an NPC that's useful.

One other pet peeve: Houses with doors that you can never get into. Lazy creators! :D

Good tutorial.
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